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<br />those people indicated with red circles and they are of the <br />opinion that this improvement should not be undertaken. There <br />were also six different property owners that signed the <br />original petition favoring the project who have now signed the <br />petition in opposition to it. <br /> <br />The area involved is that section of land from Capitol <br />View east of Western Avenue, south of Bismarck, and west of <br />Matilda and a cut off line which runs between Capitol View <br />Circle and the other abutting property owners. This area is <br />shaded in purple. The predominant area drains southerly which <br />is in purple, and the adjacent area in green is a small storm <br />sewer area where (inaudible) signed their names to the <br />petition as well. They had previously petitioned for this <br />improvement in the past but it was deemed inappropriate to <br />attempt such a small improvement at that time. Perhaps I <br />should run through some of the reasons at this time before we <br />get into some detail. <br /> <br />The major problem in the purple area is that of repeated <br />basement (inaudible) area near Capitol View where water flows <br />along a natural drainage area. Other problems of roadway <br />drainage because of (inaudible). The area in green suffers <br />from having no drains to pick up the water which now runs be- <br />tween homes and through back yards along a natural drainage <br />system and to Western Avenue, but only after ponding occurs <br />along these private lands. <br /> <br />The second area that will be discussed tonight but is not <br />actually up for approval, is that in the yellow called Alter- <br />native B. The only reason for its inclusion is because if <br />this improvement were to go forward, that area also suffers <br />from storm drainage problems and would be isolated and <br />completely surrounded by storm drainage areas and it would <br />mean a future improvement for this small area. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: Have the people in Item B been invited <br />to this hearing? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: No, because it would be impossible to <br />order that improvement at this time. But it is adjacent to <br />this site and should be looked at if this improvement would be <br />approved. Not to say ordered in, but merely reviewed. The <br />plan calls basically for the construction of a storm sewer <br />beginning at Hand and Minnesota running easterly where it <br />would pick up the drainage from Auerbach over to an outlet <br />sewer which would be constructed, cross lots down to Capitol <br /> <br />2 <br />