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<br />Trustee Curley <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />then introduced the following resolution and <br /> <br />RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $1,250,000 WATER <br />IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2, AND ESTABLISHING <br />THE FORM AND TERMS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION <br />AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND LEVYING TAXES THEREFOR <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, as <br /> <br />follows: <br /> <br />1. The Council has duly received and examined all bids presented pursuant <br />to public notice of sale, for the purchase of $1,250,000 Water Improvement Bonds, <br />Series 2 of the Village to be dated March 1, 1963, and does hereby find and deter- <br />mine that the highest and best of such bids is that of The First National Bank <br />Saint Paul ,of St. Paul, Minnesota , <br />and associates, to purchase the bonds at par and accrued interest plus a premium of <br />$ 0.00 ,and subject to the further terms and conditions set forth below. This <br />bid is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and Village Clerk are directed to execute a <br />contract for the sale of the bonds in accordance therewith. The check furnished to <br />secure the successful bid shall be retained by the Village Treasurer until delivery <br />of the bonds and payment of the full purchase price, and the checks of other bidders <br />shall be returned forthwith. <br /> <br />2. Such bonds shall be issued and secured in accordance with the provi- <br />sions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475 and of the resolution adopted <br />November 7, 1961, entitled "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT <br />OF WATER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND APPROPRIATING TO THAT FUND TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESS- <br />MENTS LEVIED FOR IMPROVEMENTS FINANCED BY SUCH BONDS", which is by reference incor- <br />porated herein and made a part hereof. The bonds shall be 1250 in number and num- <br />bered from 1 to 1250 , inclusive, each in the denomination of $1,000 and in the <br />aggregate amount of $1,250,000, designated Water Improvement Bonds, Series 2, dated <br />as of March 1, 1963, and shall mature serially on March 1 in the amount of $250,000 <br />in 1964 and $50,000 in each of the years 1965 through 1984. The bonds maturing in <br />the years 1964 through 1973 shall not be subject to redemption before maturity, but <br />those maturing in the years 1974 through 1984 shall be each subject to redemption <br />and prepayment at the option of the Village on March 1, 1973, and any interest pay- <br />ment date thereafter, at par plus accrued interest to the date specified for redemp- <br />tion, plus a premium of 2% of the par value of each bond prepaid on or before Sep- <br />tember 1, 1977, and without premium if prepaid on or after March 1, 1978. Of the <br />bonds outstanding at the time of redemption, those bearing the highest coupon rates <br />shall be prepaid first, in inverse order of their serial numbers. Not less than <br />thirty days before the date specified for prepayment and redemption of any of the <br />bonds, the Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the bank at which <br />principal and interest are then payable and to the holder, if known, of each bond <br />to be prepaid. The Treasurer and his successors in office shall maintain a record <br />of the names and addresses of the holders of prepayable bonds of the issue, so far <br />as such information is made available to them, for the purpose of mailing such <br />notices. The bonds shall bear interest at the following respective rates from date <br /> <br />-3- <br />