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<br />of issu.e until paid or until provision for such payment has been made by deposit <br />with the paying agent at maturity or upon prior call for redemption: <br /> Bonds maturing in the years 1964 tlu'~lllghxi~x at2.00 % per annum <br /> Bonds maturing in the years 1965 through 1969 at2 . 1W % per annum <br /> Bonds maturing in the years 1970 through 1972 at3.20 % per annum <br /> Bonus maturing in the years 1973 throurh 197R at 3.50~6 per annUl:l <br /> Bonds muturinp in the yoars 1979 through 1982 at 3.60% per annum <br /> Bonds naturinS: in the years 1983 throu.l"h 19R4 at 3 . 70~6 per :1nnum <br /> <br />Each and all of the bonds shall bear additional interest at the rate of2.00 % per <br />annum from r1ay 13 , 19 63to ~1arch 1 , 1964. The interest shall be <br />payable March 1, 1964, and semiannually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 in <br />each year, and interest to maturity shall be represented by two sets of interest <br />coupons appurtenant to each bond, one representing interest at the basic rate from <br />date of issue to maturity and the other set, designated as "B" coupons, representing <br />the additional interest payable for the limited period stated above. The principal <br />of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at The First National Gank of <br />Saint Paul ,in St. Paul, ~1innesota <br />and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of the <br />paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof. <br /> <br />3. The bonds and the appurtenant interest coupons shall be in substan- <br />tially the following form: <br /> <br />-4- <br />