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<br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution <br />was duly seconded by Member Curley, and upon a vote being held, all <br />members voted in favor thereof, and no one voted against the same. <br /> <br />WHEREUPON, said Resolution was declared duly passed <br /> <br />and adopted. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />)SS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br /> <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified Clerk of tre <br />Village of Roseville, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully <br />compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting <br />of the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, held on the <br />4th day of March, 1963. with the original on file in my office. and the <br />same is a full. true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same <br />relates to a resolution regarding improvements to County Road II B" . <br /> <br />Witness my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal <br />of the Village of Roseville this 5th day of March, 1963. <br /> <br />.. ~ <br />I. / .- .. <br />.,- ..' I' -7 / / <br />Pk~'<'/a: ~,<.~4< . . <br /> <br />. me~ I <br /> <br />SEAL <br /> <br />-- I1)l.IlCU"" Q..I v..... ..-..._-...............n o. ""Cl"'C' . r.r....r.1l ..........I1);::v "OdJ = <br />(l.l , <Il I ,....., Of. . 11) -::: :i"'=' ~ >, ~C.t:"':l ~o t:: .:.. == ~ ~"S' =..:.. ~ ~ '0 >~ ~~ .... >- ~ C v..c Q..... 0 s:: C"::..c Coo 0 0:30 --;: I:: t:o -9.~~..e. ~ .s o~ coB <br /> ~ >. 0 <br />~11)~~C~C~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ c-e~---u~~~ - ~~- ~~._~cc~~~~ --~_- -.- ... I1)O~ ~ <br />~Hj~~~ -5-5~ s~BH'~~~~1;:;~J~~~~~h.3~~-::~ ;;~;i~oH~~~~t';;:~~~ ~;~~~;:;~~ ~~i:'~s ,l:~~.g S <br />z ?~;g_~o-ci! "'d~ >,~g;:..,~2> t:; o~.EZ~~S8g~~~Sl:g :;o~ 0: 8.~c~~~~-=u~ ~""i:e .c"Z~~> ~:;;'z: ~ ~.....~~ P'-o W <br />G 0 ~~u~-':""".~.~ E~J ~i~~.5v?~.~~"E~~;J:: '-'2u~O~~ ~ 0..... ~~~~e~s.~;;j :>::;;..c,.t: :.c.::: ~ ]"t:l= 'i-a ~c 2: <br />..,f.1 CJr^.....->--=i..~~....~ ~vE ii;:: sUp~~tfJ.u~-~'!e~~~ucr.c~=..>t2.,.~~~.~~~u-Jc.>"'O~(l$;;'..e.v>_ ~ ~~c::t.~c~~ ~t"j~~~.s~.~~ ~co-:i <br />Z"l.... U '... 0 "'::::1- .....;o;:l .........- ......-.."......-.....:::1 ......10.. -- .......... -_ ..... - t"j-..s:: r ---- ..... cv ~..... o~.... ",- '" <br />-l-z~~5...t-~- ~~,~ ~'~;':;~~i5"::~:!j=c...~ '-';: ~oz~~-~~';vft9.~'-~v>itot"j~'~""'~~~"""~~v..c-o""'o.~::-;~..o~ .c,,-),~ e~o-;" f,:~:'; <br />C ~ ........or;l'fJ-.... .....-< O'fJ ....O;;;.=:.....O....~t~~_o.....:n~'f:~ 'JJ:u,--...-..l=..c: .:J1 15-"'0> _>..........),...r.... 1) .....- ->.....1;:: ~ u-_.. <br />z: <W;::Gu o::;i~ .< ~...~Eo=U6~~"OC :o;;:O:l.i~~oO~ '-~~",=~r:E""'l;~..c~1),. zo....."'=.8 ~~O-:c;:,.:.~....~::::.t; E..Q~t~<~-~ c~. <br />~~~~ ~:;;~~ a- ~-= 2~ ~:r2 >1~~.s~ E E~~~~~E u ~~~~-5 ~-;'f-o;;1;9~: E.....~.~C.-=pBoG '-' 2; Q,) C ~.r ;;:'~oE.~~. ':; S S "04,) 0 E~ ~,'t:l ~.,.~ ~ .';IIr1 <br />> OL ~-;;;;::r:'= '" - "-" ~ ~ ~-' '" - - '" ~ v ~- ~ ,. 0 ... v "o~" ;>.. 4i 0 " -/\ '" ~.. II::: "13" .. .... '" ~ ,11 <br />e""!"'f 0 OL ~ -00 f;i-;;=::;EC;t::o:!CQvc ,",r/J.o>'i> "~'"-= _,;:,;>",. i$ u~ r:;.. ~~-:;:I~(.)4i1fl "{:t.,O" -....,11:::' ... j,C "';:r/)..,j,.'r'V~""~i <br />RJ w.. >,f"Jr:: B~"'" "ora---.... ::1.... ... ::JC,)aI.... be.....I""<~..... ~~~"'O_~ 4,.." ~ rJ)"'O~o .pJ UCi .p.J::rt;1.) :f. ;"'*\~ ~ If) :r""''' 0 <br />I tlGof.z~.-&z.g!_;~ gtJ..Jj~e5p.,0a;.....~E ~;'"3owg~ c~E.....~~&g >IOt:'" 5 fJ.)..c~ oC)cE~>,~ ~! vOJo,.:t fC '-;.:~ i"'lw~ <br />/ cP f.tJ;ri:i tJ..!:Jvo(nfJ <<~c; .!:!4E -s8",;>;;g..h ,0 0l~C~!3;iA8~o",'" "r:;Jt-- '~~4i--(.)C'" .,."'t:::J"~a:':O"(fj.. ..AII...O'; C,.()Ii..,C,.~ <br />...."J s:-..cJs:;g~c.JE">,:4)=.g g:Jo~:2<EBQ./g~tut:=<1t>'b:f!(")v~ .g::3:gt:l:....S8a,;~;.,g.....$:EJ:~~~~~ OO'~:J pr/J"'''':.;a c.;7J <br />~;;.%.%~f. i~jEElgt:;::-$iJ.k.::i:V):r:Jff8;,f.9.; t riE.:1;~<J-:;:I":::o.P.%!;~ u8;t~J Ii E} ct{cIl1~ a].. >,JVi St f'" :;,;11/ <br />0(..1__;:2 e"t::'{.)'77lf v=_.:;-V;:1= ..cOJ..(r;:t1 "C";:,..r;: ,-Cl... :>.......-""'- ....,.....(,,1 1,/)--. l..,p.,.....O ,_ ~ .... :/Jf'd.......:tl ~ ~~.,., <br />%g~ ~~g-~ ;ff;J;c.E.::t8i'0~~-J::5pJ...e$o~~('j.E"Fo8Q.;:~ g.s,~~f.g~~g~t~i' a;~"'Err:t!~ti.k:t!~ .g~t":$--'ote ~t<,e;~1 <br />U;;;--;::V"'-fJ . -....'-- ~:(J~~ ~ U t:::v .....l-.Q.i -VIl) .-r.J:s::ft.- OCJ~i!J"".....4)-~>......"">oolt'-_o="t:'.,-, ~...= Q.i ~ <br />0...;:140 0 ~'fi"i!:~ go~~~ o~ ~ gJ ~::; ~ ~J: :;~~ E ~~ ~c3rr= ~'E ~ ~-~ 1:;- l) 'E'~ri5 ;.~ ~ Q., E~1e u.~ ~~ tt~~o ~ ~ ~.; )f;' ::: <br />-----=-..........'f; "::OOO:tl=ti1e~~B oc:'-::.==S'..8~~v~8~g~v-CJ5E~~ t:' ]~~"":J;8.>""'~:'::~-(I) := ~ <br />-octlj~~raooe;B,-~8~-::2 ..;; E~..E~~~~~r-:vo~-Ev~!/)'5Q ;~ <br />~ O'.....f-;_ t:: s,e-...... ~~.~_ l'll ._ (l) ~:1 <br />- ~ ~ >-~~ ~s ~ <br /> <br />