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<br />exiatenee; thence South OJl lb.e proposed enenll10n of <br />Femwoo4 Avenue and eonUJluiDg OD. Fern'lfood Avenue aa <br />it aow: exiats and coatillUiDg :tur~r OD. 'the proposed <br />turther enension ot Fermrood. AVQ.ue to the Nor the rll <br />pac1t1c BailrOt.d r1gh..ot:..waJ~; thenoe .at said <br />Northera Pacifio Railroad right-ot-we;r to LexiDgwn <br />Avenue, beiDg the point of beg1nning. <br /> <br />(IUlu4ed in the abOYe me.ts and bouD-da cl.seripiion <br />are ih. tol101f1Dg adti tie. : <br /> <br />North Ridee Plat I <br />Nortb. Ridee plat II <br /> <br />VIne part of the Northeui Q,u81'ter (NJIti) ot Section <br />'l'en (10), '1'o1m.8hip '1'w8l1ty"n1ne (29), Range 'l'Went 1- <br />thr.. (23), Ramaey county, M.t.n.Aeaota, b0\1114,4 on the <br />North by Aehbaoh Road, on the South oJ the Northern <br />Paciti. Railroad Oompany's rigbt*ot-wey, on the East <br />by Feruwood Avenue, end on the We8t by 1la1l1ne A.venue; <br /> <br />Exce,ting, a_eYer, from the above <br />4e8eript1ona 07 an4 all lanu 'lfh1ch <br />heretotore haTe been or hereatter may <br />be acquired by the Village of RoaevlU. <br />by purchaae or by r1~t ot ~ent <br />domain. <br /> <br />It is herebY' recite" 'thai previous te the aioption ot this <br /> <br />Resolution water maillS kaTe be. laid by the ROadUl.e Vlater Depariment, <br /> <br />Inc. in the toUowiDg traot. ot laud whieh 8re 1D.olu.... 1a tae <br /> <br />ti68 hereinabove .et torth: <br /> <br />Ca) RcauvUJ._ Height. Adliitiol'.l.; <br /> <br />(b) Rcauville Reicht. AddiUoD. NO.2; <br /> <br />(c) Nor~ Ridge Plat I; <br /> <br />Cd) liOnh Rii&e plat II. <br />BE rr FORmE RBSOL'VEIh. <br /> <br />(l)ibat the r1ght to1ns'bll and. maintain aaid. water pipes .0J1- <br /> <br />at1tutiBg a por1iion of the g1'utee's l'main pipe line" shall also inelude the <br /> <br />right to attach thereto lateral pipe line. and conneeUons for the purpose ot <br /> <br />furn1ahiBg water to h_es, businesMs and fire Aycmuts. <br /> <br />(2) 'lbat said pipe 11nes shall be installed and msintaiJled at a <br /> <br />depth ot SeTan. (7) teet with six (6) teet ot cover, and that the diameter <br /> <br />ot .ai4 pipe or p1pe. ahal.l not exeeed welve (12-) il-cahe.. <br />