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<br />(5) TAat the RoaaTille Wa1ier Departlnen:t, ])lee aarees that, <br /> <br />in any ease where ita pipe lines iIltert8l'e lJI'i'th any nec.ssary ;tUbl!c <br /> <br />uae or improvement, 1 t will adjust the leeat io:n ot its pipe liua to <br /> <br />e&tom to and other ue or 1JQroTement. <br /> <br />(4) !hat the R&8eville Water :Department, Dle., 'by ins'tall.. <br /> <br />ing 8UO pipe liDs, ~ees that it wUl save ana keep the Village et <br />Bo..vUle harmless trom. any and all claiJu tor d._ges er1siDg out of <br /> <br />tla.e install.stio.u Qr use ot said pip. l.iJ1es or any other ot its o:fer&- <br /> <br />tiou, anll agrees to 1nci8llUllty the Village ot R aseville tor any <br /> <br />liability upoa Us part tor anT such eleJ.m. or claims. <br /> <br />(0) That the Ro.evill.e Water De:tartmen.t, Ine. agree. to <br />repair any ~e do... to aua VllJ.age su-.eta right....ot-w.y by reason <br /> <br />of the :.installation, maintenance or repa11" of said pipe line., 01' to <br /> <br />pay the coat and expease thereot. <br /> <br />(6) That t. etfectua'te the provisions ot paragraphs (4) am <br /> <br />(Q) above the Resevllle Wa$er Department, Inc. ahall carry liability <br />inauranee in the 8lI1GUD.ta of one HUJldred '1'hO\l8anCl. D Gl1.ars ($100,000) tar <br />1ajurie. to any oae person and Two HWl.dred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) <br /> <br />tor b.Juriea to more than one person ariaiD& 01l.1; ot III lI1nt':le accident or <br /> <br />oecurrenee; and <br /> <br />That the RosHlll_ Water Departmlnt, ]):le. will provide a <br /> <br />bGll.d to the Village of R08STill. so ccell tic.ed as to provic1.. ihat the <br /> <br />Ro.nUl. Water Department, Inc. will repair, replaee or restore ~ ot <br /> <br />the VUlage streets which it might d.-C. or which it may be nea.aery <br />to dig i.Jlto ter the purpose ot ma1n.ta1A1Dg, replaeiDg or repairins any <br />wa1;er piie., and that Mid bond shall be in the amont ot 'DU'ee 1bGUaaD4 <br /> <br />~llars ($3,000)_ <br />('1) That all of said pipe lines shall be laid the <br /> <br />8u.perviaion of' the V1l1ege Engineer and subject to ani cond1tlG118 or <br />and the vi l1al;e <br />rule. tllat he/may deem. neeessary tor the protection of' said village <br /> <br />streets. <br />