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<br />(8) ,'lba\ nothing herein shall be construed as grutiDg <br />to Roaav111e Water Depar_nt, ]}le., t~e IKelusi...e priTilege. tor <br />'the pllrpose herem .at teUl.. <br />(9) Noth1Dg hlre1n shall b. CGDStfttd as a rel1nqu.18lunen't <br />ot the rights ot 'iRe Village ot Roaeville ot its pGlie8 ptMer ana. its <br />power to make all regulatioaa _h1U m1gh" be to .ecure tbe <br />aarety, weltare and ace_oation ot iIle pUbli8, nor ita right ot <br />_inent domain, aa provide.. by .tatute. <br />(10) '!bat ,he RoMT111e WaUl" Department, Inc. acree. to <br />rurniah,tree of charge, w.t.r tor UH tor 'tbe Village Hall locaat! <br />at r..Tin€tOD. Avenue and COUllty Road 0, and for uae et the tire dapart- <br />JUilt ot the Village ot BOaeyUle, and further grata to the VUlae;e ot <br />Ronville tree U'8 ot all 1 ta tire hydraata tor the p\lrPose ot ex- <br />t1DglL1ah1J1g f1re. and tor the washi.Bg a:n4 tluah1Dg of drainS, gu't'ters, <br />s...era or street. and other public places; and the water and hydrant. <br />8G used by the Village shall be without additional ecmspcsatioa to <br />the Roseville Water Depertment, lac. exoept that b Village, aa a <br />part eQnsid81'at1on tar the priT1lese. and benetit. aroreaaid, an4 the <br />covenaats and. agre_JL1o. ecmta1aed herea ea the put ot the Roaaville <br />Water Department, Inc., hereby COV8D8Jlts aDd egree. thet 'the privilege. <br />dd licease. here by gru:ted and all the property wh1eh i. now or may <br />hereatter be acquired. owned, conat1'\lGtell 811d D18inta1aed by tba RoaeviUe <br />Water Deparm.ent, Inc., shall, cluriD& the term of this agre..nt, be <br />8XIII1pt traa the p&1l8Q.t ot any end all lieeus tee. exoept tar the <br />license tee. herein provide4. tor. <br />(11) 'lba'l 'the RoaftT111e Wa'ter Department, Inc. shall Gb1ta1n <br />a permit trGII. the Village ot RoaeviUe tor each aGDlle cUaa to any <br />re.idence 01' other property and that the licenae fes tor each pemit <br />shall be in the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00). <br />(12) That the RoseT1l1.e Water Department, ];ne. aball file <br />wi'th t:be Clerk ot the Tillage ot Roaeville a plat, or plats, showing <br />