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<br />1:,:~:)U111TI,-jI'] NO. 9~ <br /> <br />August 7, 1956 <br /> <br />Extract of Eirntes of heetillg <br />of 'lilJage Council <br />Vil ~.age of RGseville <br />Ramsey County, l'iimlc:-;ota <br />Jeld 7, 1956 <br /> <br />/! <br /> <br />Pursu:::L l,r; d18 CaLl. anc: ,.v;tice t.creof a 1'0g'1:L3r :neetlng Of' the Village <br /> <br />Council of the Villar:e uf Ro?C;ville, Raisey Conn ty, Hinnesota,w3s rluly held <br /> <br />in said Village on <br /> <br />J' <br />L.jJ.e <br /> <br />7th day of August, 1956, at 2: 00 0 I clock? .1<. <br /> <br />T;,e members '^Tere pl~esent: Carls~'1, liammersten, lIcGee a~,d SaJ'.rerda, ._ <br /> <br />and the f'JllmJing rnemberEi ,.,ere abse:.,~: Ki.j~ts' <br /> <br />Hem'oer rl?",C'J:1ersten introdiced and Ij'I8C tne adocticJIJ. :Jf tLe fol:o;.;ing resolution: <br /> <br />RK3uLUTION MFRuVHJG FU\ ':S !',;m SrECH'IC!\TIOlJS <br />P,iJD O:{CLlIl\J,::: ADVER,TISZETI' FOR BIDS FOR <br />SAiHTAHY S2':JER EJE(VK,J~?:l NO.1, FR\.JJ2CT 3. <br /> <br />i:TliErtEAS, pursua t to a rcsolution ;:.asc,ed by the Village Coc:ncil on Deceni'oer 30, 1955, <br /> <br />thc B,mister Engineering Company, COicS'llting 5ngineers l~et8inec1 for this r;~;~opose, has <br /> <br />prepar'ed plans a:ld specification.s i~c.r Project 3 of Sanitary S8'or Improvement No.1 of <br /> <br />said village and bas f'ruE;cr;ted S'lCII plan and specifications LO the Council for approval, <br /> <br />:~r T;:EhEFO;~E, Dt..~ IT RE()()L \fED by the Vi -; age Council of tL:; VillagH of Rosevi1;e, <br /> <br />Iv~inne"ct2 ci.S follovJs: <br /> <br />1. Such plans and specifications for Froj ect 3 of said Sanitary Se"er <br /> <br />Imp:cov8rr,cnt No.1 are hereby arproved ,me) ordered placed on file L1. the office <br /> <br />of tile Village Cle ck and are Ji,ac1e a part hereof. <br /> <br />2. The Village Clc'k shdl.l prepare an,' Co~13e to 'o(J inserted in the official <br /> <br />ne1,.Jspaper of the Villace and in Fv: COnEltrlcVon bulletin, an advertise'lent ("or <br /> <br />bids upon tl::e rraking of" s'lch improvement under slch approved pl,:ms ;:me. s]..ecifications <br /> <br />.for Froj ect 3. The advertiseent ~;" all be published in accordance <'l tb the statu\':'ry <br /> <br />reqllirements t;le:;ceof, c~hall c;pecify the ,F)rk La be dcme, shall call for bids upon the <br /> <br />basis of a cash 1'0.;[: ent for Sllch lriork, shal,l sti;te tlw.t tl,e bids TIill be opened and <br />