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<br />llSSGL-:J.I'ION NO. 91.,. (Cont' d.) <br /> <br />considered by the Council on Tuesday, tl'l8 21st day of Adf,USt, 195 '-" at 2 c 1 cleek F.;. <br /> <br />in the Cou:1.cil Ch31r.bers cf tlie 'Jil'la~'e ciall of tile Vn-::'age of rto'3evi11e at 27Jl North <br /> <br />Le~.infiton Aveme, 'saint raul, l:i~'" c:cU, and tCi2t no b~LdG ,rj 11 be cCllSide'i'ed un'less <br /> <br />';caled end filed ',i th t\,s Village Clsrk c.>:ld accompanied by a cash deposit or certified <br /> <br />check or btddej s bond payable to the 'lillage Clerk in the amount 0 ~ five lJelcent (j%) <br /> <br />of tl;c alilOurt oJ." ~3'ch bid, bW] tllc,t the;c Council reser'Ies the right tr reject <br /> <br />any &"d all bic" D.nd to "aive ail r",;c)d-.,":::nd inforIila13,tie::: t}erein and furtll(:(' reserves <br /> <br />the riC;:lt to a~~,!r:r::l tJ.8 c~:~trCict <br /> <br />the bes t ir~-Lerests of the "'\Tillag8 cL~ t: t;j() bir~, <br /> <br />:,;1] be ,dthdra,;n for eel period of 30 jays after the' date ",nel tin;e Sc;t J(ir the opcni;c;; <br /> <br />0_[' bic~,s. <br /> <br />Passed by 011e Council thjs 7tl; <br /> <br />,:f A,iicl1st, 17)6, <br /> <br />The l11ctio"j'jas duly scc-:;;;ded oy Trustee I~cGee, a:~d upon vote being taken the <br /> <br />fol1oving '!oted in favor thereof: Salverda, Carl~~on, l-lcGee, and Hp.J:;Jilersten and <br /> <br />the fc'llm{in~= vot8d against: Nene <br /> <br />,rEJ,~T,"-CN scdd re ,,:ol:Jticr; 2S decL'rcc1 duly ra3scc1 and adopted. <br /> <br />1~~.3;f' ell'" <br /> <br />/iTf~~=ST : <br /> <br />Cl(;rk <br />