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<br />a feeling that they're probably opposed to this. Mr. Dorso says <br />he's tired of paying high taxes and I think everybody feels <br />somewhere along the line this ~hing of taxes (inaudible) but I <br />think in comparing Roseville to some of the areas in the City <br />of Saint Paul and some of t-he ot:her communities - first 1~ier <br />suburbs - I think because Roseville has taken the initia~ive <br />and put in their sewer and water and bought out several <br />companies and so forth in the process of doing so - we're in a <br />position now while the taxes may be high, I think you make a <br />comparison to some of the other communi~ies, our taxes are com- <br />paratively lower and I feel there is a need for development in <br />the community in this area and I think the only way we can de- <br />velop this particular area is to go ahead and improve the pro- <br />posed improvement. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY: I have been on the Council for quite a <br />while and we have yoted for storm sewers and I have yet to see <br />any group of people coming to a storm sewer hearing and beg us <br />to do it. It's difficult for ~he Council to do this when the <br />preponderance of the people are agains~ it but we're looking <br />at it from a different viewpoint than you are. You're looking <br />at it from a personal viewpoint. I've been lucky enough to pay <br />two storm sewer assessments since living in Roseville and the <br />first one was one of the mighest places. I never had enough <br />water to keep the grass green, but the did run some place. <br />We don't use just .!-he street in front of our house. There are <br />times we're on someone else's but we use just about every public <br />facility in the city at some time or another and it's all our <br />responsibility. I guess this is why we have most of it on <br />general taxes because it all comes back to the people who live <br />in Roseville. <br /> <br />Councilman Grauel then introduced the following resolution <br />and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />Resolution No. 6368 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF <br />IMPROVEMENT NO. ST-76-8 UNDER AND <br />PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 429 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cit.y of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, that in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota <br /> <br />24 <br />