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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:10:10 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 11:54:50 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the construction of Improvement No. P-77-20 under and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />MR. POPOVICH: One of the reasons we have had this <br />approach is because the two petitions didn't come in at <br />the same time - and the first hearing - they came in with <br />an overall second petition. Here, one petition was for <br />a separate one. Since we didn't have one petition for the <br />overall improvement, we wanted to show each improvement. <br />If you added up the figures, the total cost would be ap- <br />proximately $61,500 if each one was done separately. If <br />you merge them together and the people want that and the <br />Council wants that, the costs, of course, can be reduced <br />some. <br /> <br />In Alternate I, the street curb and gutter costs will <br />be $53,603. There are 1177 front feet taking the whole <br />thing together, which, if it were 100% assessed would be <br />$45.54 a foot, and at the 25% recommendation it would be <br />$11.38 a front foot. That would raise $13,395 by assessments, <br />and the balance of $40,000 would come on gen~ral taxes to <br />equal the $53,603 figure. <br /> <br />If you just go for Alternate 2 and leave out (inaudible) <br />the cost would be $46,8l0. The front footage is 1149 feet. <br />If it were 100% assessed that would be $40.73 a foot. At the <br />25% recommendation it's $lO.18 a front foot, roughly a dollar <br />less than Alternate 1. Those assessments at 25% would bring <br />in $II,700 and the balance of $35,110 would be raised on <br />general taxes. <br /> <br />As to the watermain and sanitary sewer, and the two <br />services that I spoke of before, that's the same under the <br />combined program. The services are still $292.50 for water <br />and $405 for sanitary sewer services, and $8.50 per front <br />foot for the lot that gets the watermain and sewer service. <br /> <br />Two of those lots, as the engineer pointed out, are <br />already connected, so you must determine whether the benefits <br />would be such that they should be assessed here .s well. The <br />change comes in the amount that would be spent for the street <br />portion itself on concrete curb and gutter - whether you go <br />Alternate I or 2. <br />
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