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1 F. Removal of Diseased or Dangerous Trees: Diseased and /or insect ridden trees, <br />2 dead or injured trees deemed to be a health or safety hazard by the City Forester <br />3 Horticulturist, or employee designated d-c ig-ncd by the City Forester Horticulturist, <br />4 must be treated or removed so as not to constitute a health or safety hazard to the <br />5 public, or other trees or plants in the City. <br />6 <br />7 G. Stockpiling and Storage of Elm Logs: No person shall stockpile or store elm logs <br />8 with the bark intact without first having obtained a permit to do so. The City Forester <br />9 Horticulturist, or other employee designated by the City Forester Manager, may issue <br />10 permits, upon proper application, for the stockpiling or storage of such logs only <br />11 between September 15 and April 1 of the following year and only at locations which <br />12 are specified in the permit. <br />13 <br />14 H. Abatement of Dutch Elm Disease: The City Horticulturist shall cause the infected <br />15 tree or wood to be removed or otherwise effectively treated �o as to destroy and <br />16 prevent, as fully as possible, thc spread of Dutch elm disease fungus and elm bark <br />17 beetles. Such abatement proccdurcs shall bc carried out in accordance with current <br />18 technical and cxpert opinions and plans as may bc designed by thc City Forcstcr. <br />19 (Ord. 1107, 12 9 91) <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 706.10: REGISTRATION OF TREE CARE FIRMS: <br />30 .FEES Any person, firm, or corporation that provides tree care, tree trimming, or <br />31 removal of trees, limbs, branches, brush, or shrubs for hire must be licensed to work <br />32 in the City by the Community Development Department and registered with the <br />33 Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture under Minn. Stat. 18G.07. <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 706.11: STANDARD ABATEMENT ORDER PROCEDURE: INTERFERENCE <br />37 When the City Forester Horticulturist determines with reasonable certainty that a <br />38 public nuisance, as described by this ordinance, is being maintained or exists on <br />39 premises in the city, the tree inspector is authorized to abate a public nuisance <br />40 according to the procedures in this subsection. <br />41 <br />42 OR <br />43 <br />44 When the City Forester Horticulturist determines with reasonable certainty that it is <br />45 necessary to order the trimming, treatment or removal of trees or plants as <br />46 authorized in subsection 706.07, a written order to correct the condition shall be <br />47 served. <br />48 <br />49 A. The City Forester will notify in writing the owner of record or occupant of the <br />50 premises that a public nuisance exists and order that the nuisance be terminated or <br />51 abated. The notice may be given in person or by mail. Failure of any party to receive <br />52 the mail does not invalidate the service of the notice. A copy of the notice shall be <br />53 filed with the city clerk. <br />54 <br />706.09: REPORTING DISCOVERY OF SHADE TREE PEST: <br />Any owner or occupier of land or any person engaged in tree trimming or removal <br />who becomes aware of the existence of a public nuisance caused by a shade tree <br />pest as defined under subdivision 3 shall report the same to the city. <br />7 <br />