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1 A. Notice Format: <br />2 Dutch elm dismse /oak wilt di co ;c (or othcr prohibitcd or dangerous trees, as listed <br />3 in the City tree plan) exists on these premises: (legal addrezc and all trees marked <br />4 with a designated symbol must be removed by ,(date). <br />5 BY ORDER OF THE CITY MANAGER <br />6 <br />7 B. Removal Date: The date inserted in the notice in subsection 706.08A shall be <br />8 twenty (20) twenty two (22) days after the notice is mailed. <br />9 <br />10 C. Appeal: A person receiving said notice may, within five (5) working days of the <br />11 postmark date of said notice, file an appeal with the City. The appeal will be heard by <br />12 the City Tree Board and forwarded to the City Council for action within 21 calendar <br />13 days following the appeal of said notice. <br />14 <br />15 D. Summary Removal of Diseased Trees: In the event the trees covered in said <br />16 notice are not removed, destroyed and /or treated, as provided in subsections <br />17 706.08A through C, within ten (10) calendar days following the denial on an appeal <br />18 as set forth in subsection 706.08C, the City Forester -P9athagcr, or an authorized City <br />19 employee, shall cause said trees to be summarily removed, destroyed and /or treated <br />20 and shall take any other action necessary to prevent the spread of the disease or <br />21 danger to the public. <br />22 <br />23 E. Cost Responsibility: Any costs of inspecting, removing or treating trees, including <br />24 any legal expense, shall be itemized and mailed to the owner at the address shown <br />25 in the records of the County Auditor. In the event said itemized bill is not paid within <br />26 thirty (30) days, the amount of said costs, plus interest, shall be certified to the <br />27 proper County officials and collected with the next succeeding five years real estate <br />28 taxes as provided for in Minnesota Statute sections 18.023 and 429.101. (Ord. 1107, <br />29 12 -9 -91; amd. 1995 Code) <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 706.12: DEVELOPMENT OR REDEVELOPMENT TREE PLANTING: <br />33 <br />34 A. Landscaping Plans: Prior to approval of a building permit, all new residential <br />35 subdivisions, semi public, public, commercial /industrial and income producing <br />36 residential property (over two units) shall be subject to mandatory landscape plan <br />37 and specification requirements. <br />38 <br />39 B. Design Standards: The landscape plan and specification requirements referenced <br />40 in subsection 706.09A are those set forth in the adopted City of Roseville Design <br />41 Standard Regulations [1]. <br />42 <br />43 C. Forestation Benefits Education: All persons applying for a building permit, <br />44 including residential structures containing less than four dwelling units, shall be given <br />45 printed information supplied by the City Forester Horticulturist outlining the benefits <br />46 of planting trees and shall be encouraged to plant trees beyond the Code <br />47 requirements. (Ord. 1107, 12 -9 -91; amd. 1995 Code) <br />48 Do we do any of this section? <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 706.13: DECLARATION OF A SHADE TREE PEST: The Council may by <br />52 ordinance declare any vertebrate or invertebrate animal, plant pathogen, or plant in <br />53 the community threatening to cause significant damage to a shade tree or <br />54 community forest, as defined by Minn. Stat. 89.001, to be a shade tree pest and <br />8 <br />