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1 prescribe control measures to effectively eradicate, control, or manage the shade <br />2 tree pest, including necessary timelines for action. <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 706.14: PUBLIC NUISANCES DEFINED: A shade tree pest, as defined by <br />6 section XXX.XX, occurring within a defined control zone is a public nuisance. <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 706.15: SHADE TREE PEST NUISANCES ARE UNLAWFUL: It is unlawful for <br />10 any person to permit any public nuisance as defined in this section to remain on any <br />11 premises the person owns or controls within the city. The nuisance may be abated as <br />12 provided in this section. <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 706.16: DECLARED SHADE TREE PESTS, CONTROL MEASURES, AND <br />16 CONTROL AREAS: <br />17 SUBS. 1. Oak Wilt. <br />18 <br />19 (A) Oak wilt disease is a shade tree pest and is defined as any living or dead tree, <br />20 log, firewood, limb, branch, stump, or other portion of a tree from any species of the <br />21 genus Quercus existing within the control area defined that has bark attached and <br />22 that exceeds three (3) inches in diameter or ten (10) inches in circumference and <br />23 contains to any degree any spore or reproductive structures of the fungus <br />24 Ceratocystis fagacearum. <br />25 <br />26 (B) Control measures that may be taken to abate oak wilt disease are: <br />27 (1) Installation of a root graft barrier. A root graft barrier can be ordered <br />28 installed to prevent the underground spread of oak wilt disease. The city will <br />29 mark the location of the root graft barrier. The barrier disrupts transmission <br />30 of the fungus within the shared vascular systems of root grafted trees. The <br />31 barrier is created by excavating or vibratory plowing a line at least forty -two <br />32 (42) inches deep between any oak tree infected with oak wilt disease and <br />33 each nearby and apparently healthy oak tree within fifty (50) feet of the <br />34 infected tree. <br />35 <br />36 (2) Removal and disposal of trees. <br />37 (a) On property zoned for residential and commercial use. On property that is <br />38 zoned residential and commercial the city may mark for removal trees that <br />39 have the potential to produce spores of the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum. <br />40 After, and in no case before, the installation of the root graft barrier and no <br />41 later than May 1 of the year following infection, all marked trees must be <br />42 felled. The stump from such felled trees must not extend more than three <br />43 inches above the ground or, if taller, must be completely debarked. <br />44 <br />45 If, however, after the city prescribes the location for a root graft barrier, the <br />46 city determines that installation of the barrier is impossible because of the <br />47 presence of pavement or obstructions such as a septic system or utility line, <br />48 the city may mark for removal all oak trees whether living or dead, infected <br />49 or not and located between an infected tree and the marked barrier location. <br />50 These marked trees must be felled and disposed of no later than May 1 of the <br />51 year following infection. The stump from such felled trees must not extend <br />52 more than three inches above the ground or, if taller, must be completely <br />53 debarked. <br />54 <br />9 <br />