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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/8/2011 3:53:30 PM
Creation date
3/8/2011 3:53:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that it should be in the form of an application and fee, not a petition,just as <br /> it would apply to any property owner. <br /> Member McGehee opined that the application process was primarily written for development <br /> scenarios rather than a cohesive neighborhood group. <br /> Member Pust clarified that an individual homeowner would be required to hold an Open House <br /> and make application with the $600 fee if they were seeking rezoning; in accordance with the <br /> City's adopted fee schedule, and that the fee couldn't be waived and that it should be differen- <br /> tiated from other applications since the City Attorney would advised the City Council that such <br /> action could be interpreted as "gifting public monies,"which the elected body could not do. <br /> Chair Roe noted differences in the standard: 500' and 50% of property owners in that area, not <br /> just those abutting property owners. <br /> Member Pust opined that it was important to emphasize that there was another path available to <br /> the citizens if they determined to pursue it; noting that while there may not be majority support <br /> from the City Council to proceed, she didn't want the neighbors to leave tonight's meeting under <br /> the impression that they had no way to be heard, which was the message she was receiving based <br /> on the tenor of Ms. Mix's remarks. Member Pust assured them that they could be heard and that <br /> the City Council would hear them. <br /> Chair Roe noted that this was simply a procedural process at this point, and that once the body <br /> reconvened as the City Council, further discussion could ensue that could shed more light on in- <br /> dividual City Councilmember positions. <br /> John Runquist, Trustee for the Owner of One of the Subject Properties <br /> Mr. Runquist advised that he had become Trustee of the property upon the death of the property <br /> owner, Mr. John Hens; and had been trying to close out the Trust since then, while it had been an <br /> uphill battle, everything was now completed with the exception of the sale of this property. Mr. <br /> Runquist noted that the heirs have waited over five years without receiving their inheritance from <br /> the Trust; and that two of the three heirs had predeceased settlement. Mr. Runquist noted that <br /> Ms. Mix wanted to put faces on the parties; and his comments were for the purpose of doing so <br /> from his perspective. Mr. Runquist reviewed past attempts for negotiation of issues between the <br /> interests related to this property and that of the townhome association, and the unwillingness of <br /> Ms. Mix as President of the Townhome Association in negotiating in good faith. Mr. Runquist <br /> elaborated on those two issues: survey errors causing three of the twelve townhomes to be built <br /> across property lines, which he opined was caused by a City employee error approving the asso- <br /> ciation's development plan; and failure of the association to install a tile system to facilitate drai- <br /> nage of their site. Mr. Runquist advised that the delays have cost approximately $11,000 for the <br /> heirs in property taxes to Ramsey and Hennepin Counties and to the City for utility costs on a <br /> vacant building over six years. Mr. Runquist reviewed the eventual resolution of those issues <br /> with the association; and the current and long-awaited Purchase Agreement pending since Sep- <br /> tember 23, 2010 due to this petition process. Mr. Runquist asked that the City Council not <br /> change this from HDR and keep the heirs in flux any longer; noting that there was no develop- <br />
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