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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/8/2011 3:53:30 PM
Creation date
3/8/2011 3:53:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Ms. Mix advised that the neighbors thought they could start with another petition for zoning <br /> within 500' of the subject properties, and still deal with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, <br /> but that to apply to rezone, it would cost the neighbors $600.00. <br /> Member Pust advised that the cost would be just like any other applicant seeking rezoning; and <br /> that the City Council had offered to make arrangements for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br /> process to run parallel with their rezoning application in order to assist their group with the only <br /> legal path available to them, but that ultimately it was the neighbors' choice to make. Member <br /> Pust opined that she thought the City Council had made the process clear when this was last dis- <br /> cussed; and further opined that she knew that City staff was willing to assist them; and that she <br /> failed to understand the continuing miscommunication. <br /> Ms. Mix opined that she didn't understand that to be a choice for their neighborhood and that she <br /> assumed that this process of appeal needed to be completed. Ms. Mix further opined that the <br /> Planning Commission had first initiated a discussion for Medium Density Residential (MDR) <br /> and that it was important to complete this process that was started under a different set of laws <br /> and that the new law or code just went into effect on January 1, 2011. <br /> Member Pust clarified that the new code did not change procedural options; and suggested that <br /> the neighborhood's representatives sit down with staff to clearly review options. <br /> Member McGehee concurred with Member Pust's interpretation of current rules, noting that she <br /> had made the motion at the last City Council discussion to move this back to the Planning Com- <br /> mission and City Council hoping that she would get majority support to do so, but that did not <br /> pursue that path. Member McGehee opined that she got the same impression when three (3) op- <br /> tions were before the City Council and only the one that the neighbors had no standing was re- <br /> ferred back to the Planning Commission . Member McGehee opined that it was her understand- <br /> ing that the Planning Commission was once again willing to reaffirm their compromise for MDR <br /> zoning and land use designation and could have referred it back to the City Council under their <br /> authority, but were not encouraged to do so or advised to bring the request back before the City <br /> Council. Member McGehee noted that the City Council could also initiate a Comprehensive <br /> Plan Amendment and a Rezoning Request without the neighbors having to pay $600 or continue <br /> to jump through hoops. <br /> Community Development Trudgeon agreed with Member McGehee's statement that a request <br /> could be initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council without the City charging it- <br /> self a fee; and that the applicants had been encouraged to move forward with their request. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon noted that, while the Planning Commission had discussed whether to initiate a Com- <br /> prehensive Plan Amendment, there appeared to be no collective interest in doing so through a <br /> formal vote. Mr. Trudgeon further clarified that it was not for staff to make such a recommenda- <br /> tion in that situation. <br /> Member McGehee questioned if the group could return with a petition to initiate the review <br /> process. <br />
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