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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 14, 2011 <br /> Page 29 <br /> Mr. Miller noted that one thing not factored into the timeline was the work of the <br /> subcommittee and sought Council input on those specific scheduling considera- <br /> tions and how to incorporate them. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with Mr. Miller that the timeline came largely from his ef- <br /> forts in attempting to reflect on his observations on how the budget process had <br /> transpired over the last few years and possible ways to improve that process. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the timeline provided the opportunity for an early round ta- <br /> ble discussion among staff and City Councilmembers on programs and priorities <br /> from the City Manager and staff as an initial step; as well as providing for earlier <br /> City Council and public input. Mayor Roe noted that there were 2-3 opportunities <br /> to review the preliminary and final levies. Mayor Roe noted that the document <br /> listing on pages 3-4 are lifted directly from his original submission and captured <br /> past discussions to tie into this process. Mayor Roe noted that if the City Council <br /> went in a different direction or followed a different process, it may need different <br /> documents. <br /> Councilmember Pust questioned whether this timeline included adoption of a bi- <br /> ennial budget process; and if so, it appeared that additional dates were needed to <br /> review that second year and make mid-year corrections. Councilmember Pust ex- <br /> pressed some concerns with the proposed document listing, opining that she <br /> didn't want to pass a resolution referencing specific documents and lock in those <br /> documents. Councilmember Pust noted that this City Council had not discussed <br /> the document format they preferred, and opined that the listed documents may <br /> prove helpful to some, but not necessarily each individual Councilmember. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that at some point in each budget process cycle, there <br /> were other documents requested; and suggested further discussion prior to adopt- <br /> ing the resolution and referenced documents. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted copies of 2010 Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 412.701 <br /> (Attachment C) related to municipal budgeting; and Chapter 412.711 (Attachment <br /> D) related to consideration of the budget and tax levy; and noted certain informa- <br /> tion required in those budgetary documents requiring a breakdown of salaries and <br /> wages. Councilmember Pust noted that this was always one of her annual stum- <br /> bling blocks when no line item was included to factor in real salary costs for each <br /> program/service; causing the process to have impractical limits for her. Council- <br /> member Pust opined that, under those circumstances and without that salary in- <br /> formation, the City Council was not ready to adopt the resolution tonight. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the resolution didn't adopt the documents,just the time- <br /> line. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that Event No. 2 on the Resolution specifically stated <br /> that the City Council approves the 2012 Budget Work Plan, "including required <br /> documentation;" indicating that the identified documents were all inclusive. <br />