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Margaret Driscoll <br /> From: deannaandersen <br /> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 3:42 PM <br /> To: *RVCouncil <br /> Cc: Pat Trudgeon <br /> Subject: High density housing in the Old Highway 8 neighborhood <br /> Dear Council, <br /> I live at 3604 NE 33rd Ave., very close to where high density housing projects are being considered <br /> (the Old Highway 8 neighborhood). Such housing would greatly decrease the housing values to <br /> hundreds of people in an already difficult eonomy. <br /> I would strongly urge you to listen to the many voices who want to be heard on this issue. I am <br /> getting the feeling that the council is more concerned with accomplishing its agenda than listening to <br /> the citizens it was elected to serve. <br /> May I remind you that you are ELECTED officials? If you want to serve again, I suggest that you <br /> begin to listen to those you are supposed to be SERVING. We don't live in a totalitarian state! <br /> Thank you for your consideration, <br /> Deanna Andersen <br /> 1 <br />