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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31,2011 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that these items would most likely be revisited as the City <br /> Council provided their comments and priorities for follow-up. Mayor Roe sug- <br /> gested that tonight's meeting not exceed 9:00 p.m. to avoid loss of productivity by <br /> those in attendance and as some of these rather daunting but vital items required <br /> further consideration and discussion. Mayor Roe asked that individual Council- <br /> members follow the process used by department heads and provide their written <br /> comments by submitting them to City Manager Malinen to be included in the next <br /> meeting packet. Mayor Roe noted that discussion of the damages to residents in <br /> the cul-de-sac would also be a discussion item at the next Special Council Work <br /> Plan meeting scheduled for Monday, February 7, 2011. <br /> f. Community Development Department—Director Patrick Trudgeon <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon reviewed the Department's <br /> "Must Do's" and "Ought To Do's" for 2011, including ongoing land use activities <br /> or those day-to-day operations already in process. Mr. Trudgeon elaborated on <br /> those items provided in staff's written discussion outline. In addition to those <br /> City Code chapters listed requiring modification and updating, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted the Subdivision and Adult Use ordinances also. <br /> In the "Ought to-do's," Mr. Trudgeon brainstormed various strategies related to <br /> record management and retrieval by staff and the public; need for field personnel <br /> to be able to access technology in the field rather than current inefficiencies; mar- <br /> ket-driven versus planned economic development; support of existing and future <br /> businesses in the community; and limited asset and capital investment needs from <br /> his department's perspective, but enthusiastic support of the department for the <br /> overall city investment in those assets as they impacted the need for ongoing in- <br /> frastructure considerations affecting the vitality of the community. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included multi-family properties <br /> and current and future projected problems as it related to registration, licensure <br /> and inspections; development and/or redevelopment in the community; notice <br /> process and practices for major developments or projects in the City and the need <br /> to develop an effective e-mail address data file to provide notices, while recogniz- <br /> ing the need to provide mailed and/or published notice, along with cable televi- <br /> sion notices, to those not having access to the internet. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the need for the Mayor and City Council to continue their out- <br /> reach efforts within the business community. Mayor Roe questioned how funding <br /> sources were allotted to cities for Economic Development Authorities (EDA's) <br /> and how options fit in and which advantages best fit the City's needs. Mayor Roe <br /> noted the City of St. Louis Park model and how such a model could fund other <br /> aspects of the department as well. <br />