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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31,2011 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Further discussion included changing technologies and required updates to facili- <br /> tate that change and increase productivity and provide support staff to maintain <br /> and service those advances. <br /> Councilmembers McGehee and Willmus requested additional information from <br /> Mr. Miller on how much he would reasonably project to begin setting aside going <br /> forward to fund asset programs not currently funded over the next ten (10) years; <br /> or viable targets for reserve funds if realistically other than the current 50% re- <br /> serve target for the General Fund. <br /> Additional discussion included past City Council review of reserve funding poli- <br /> cies and updating those targets periodically. <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that the CIP needed to be part of that discussion, <br /> noting Mr. Miller's continuing and emphatic caution if current practices continue <br /> in underfunding asset replacement and his projections that a 17% annual tax in- <br /> crease would be needed over a ten year period to get back on track. Council- <br /> member Johnson noted that he strongly supported a serious discussion on finding <br /> a compromise or strategy to get the CIP back on track. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that there were some big ticket items on the CIP that were com- <br /> pletely unfunded and that those items needed to be addressed by the City Council <br /> as well. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted that the City Council continued to listen to the <br /> facts presented by staff,but continued to be reluctant to address the issues. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of having the discussion and prioritiz- <br /> ing strategies. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted the limitations based on current levy limits of 3.9% <br /> annually for cities imposed by the State legislature. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed interest in moving beyond priorities from a <br /> realistic standpoint; noting that the City Council's number one job was to effec- <br /> tively manage public monies. Councilmember McGehee opined that staff was <br /> obviously doing its job transparently; and expressed her interest in addressing fu- <br /> ture steps to correct current trends. <br /> Councilmember Johnson concurred. <br /> It was Council consensus that further discussion was imperative. <br />