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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31, 2011 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding unintended consequences for and the need to <br /> provide protection to tenants who bring concerns forward and eviction clauses <br /> built into lease agreements; fire code inspections only addressing common areas, <br /> not individual units; and limitations on the City in getting involved in issues be- <br /> tween tenants and landlords; and current cooperative work between the City's Po- <br /> lice Department and HRA in addressing some problems. <br /> g. Administration- City Manager Bill Malinen <br /> City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed the Administration Department's <br /> "Must Do's" and "Ought To Do's" for 2011, as selected form the City's 2010- <br /> 2014 Strategic Plan. Mr. Malinen elaborated on those items provided in staff's <br /> written discussion outline. <br /> Mr. Malinen noted the shared services currently done by Roseville, more than <br /> most communities in Ramsey County according to a recent Chamber of Com- <br /> merce study; and his personal high priority to improve the City's record manage- <br /> ment system to get public documents on line to allow citizens access, even while <br /> recognizing the resource-intensive nature of scanning and identifying the docu- <br /> ments during that process. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included staff's rationale in <br /> processing planning files in their entirety versus incrementally; information shar- <br /> ing through cable television as well as through social media means; and estimated <br /> personnel costs globally at approximately 75%of overall costs. <br /> Councilmember McGehee encouraged individual Councilmembers to view the <br /> City of St. Louis Park website structure and how it reflected ongoing community <br /> involvement and outreach. <br /> Councilmember Pust encouraged staff and individual Councilmembers to consid- <br /> er, prior to the next meeting, how their presentations would have differed as they <br /> considered those aging demographics over the next fourteen (14) years as identi- <br /> fied in the video viewed tonight, with more seniors than kids anticipated in the na- <br /> ture, which already seemed realistic in Roseville. Councilmember Pust ques- <br /> tioned if that made any difference in how various departments and the City Coun- <br /> cil did business; and how the community should be planning for the future. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred. Mayor Roe reviewed the homework assignments between <br /> now and next weeks' meeting: <br /> 1) Individual Councilmembers are tasked with submitting their "Must Do's" and <br /> "Ought To Do's" to City Manager Malinen by Wednesday, February 2, 2011 <br /> end of day, or in a similar format to those submitted by Department Heads to- <br /> night. <br />