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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31,2011 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 2) Everyone to review the comments, and consider tonight's discussions and <br /> notes, as they contemplated the next discussions; with consolidation of similar <br /> items; and prioritization of those discussions. Consideration of what kind of <br /> staff and City Council resources it will take to focus on the "Ought To's" from <br /> the City Council level over the next few years, not specifically budget dollars, <br /> but staff time required. <br /> Discussion included identifying individual interests over the next two (2) years to <br /> be incorporated into a corporate work plan and to facilitate future discussions, and <br /> staff input related to overall implications and timing for accomplishing initiatives. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the inclusion of the cul-de-sac issue on that agenda as well. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed concern that not all neighbors had been contacted <br /> or submitted claims; and how claims could be professionally verified and substan- <br /> tiated. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that this was staff's challenge; noting that insur- <br /> ance adjusters were able to make that determination; but staff didn't have much <br /> time for that step if the item was to be acted upon at the February 7, 2011 meet- <br /> ing. <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested that Mr. Hermes, and other neighbors be con- <br /> tacted by staff, and advised that the item was pushed back to the February 14, <br /> 2011 regular business meeting; which would also allow for additional conversa- <br /> tions with LMCIT and Xcel Energy and a more informed decision by the City <br /> Council. Councilmember Pust noted that this delay is in no way indicating that <br /> the City Council is taking a position that homeowners blew out an appliance in- <br /> tentionally. <br /> City Manager Malinen expressed concern that this City Council action would also <br /> set a precedent for future incidents. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred that additional information and more specific information <br /> on the situation was indicated, and directed staff to put this item on the February <br /> 14, 2011 meeting agenda. By consensus, staff was further directed to contact af- <br /> fected residents on the changed date for consideration and to ensure that all re- <br /> ceipts and/or other documentation was submitted before that meeting; and that all <br /> affected parties were notified and aware of the potential action. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that staff would continue their discussion with <br /> LMCIT and Xcel Energy to hopefully provide updated information to the City <br /> Council at that time as well. <br />