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and safe vehicle and pedestrian circulation pattern. • <br /> Adequate queuing lane space shall be provided <br /> without interfering with on site parking/circulation. <br /> d. Speaker box sounds from the drive-through lane <br /> shall not be loud enough to constitute a nuisance on <br /> an abutting residentially zoned property or property <br /> in residential use. <br /> e. Drive-through canopies and other structures,where <br /> present,shall be constructed from the same materials <br /> as the primary building and with a similar level of <br /> architectural quality and detailing. <br /> f. A 10-foot buffer area with screen planting and an <br /> opaque wall or fence between 6 and 8 feet in height <br /> shall be required between the drive-through lane <br /> and any property line adjoining a residentially zoned <br /> property or property in residential use. <br /> 14. Garden,Public or Community(flower or vegetable), <br /> greater than 10,000 square feet:There are no specific <br /> standards for this use. <br /> 15. Grocery Store:There are no specific standards for this <br /> use. <br /> 16. Health Club,Fitness Center:There are no specific <br /> standards for this use. • <br /> 17. Hospital:There are no specific standards for this use. <br /> 18. Learning Studio:There are no specific standards for this <br /> use. <br /> 19. Liquor Store:There are no specific standards for this use. <br /> 20. Live-work Unit: <br /> a. The work space component shall be located on the <br /> first floor or basement of the building,and shall have <br /> an entrance facing the primary abutting public street. <br /> b. The dwelling unit component shall be located above <br /> or behind the work space,and shall maintain a <br /> separate entrance which is located on the front or <br /> side facade and accessible from the primary abutting <br /> public street. <br /> c. The work space component of the unit shall not <br /> exceed 50%of the total gross floor area of the unit. <br /> d. The size and nature of the work space shall be <br /> limited so that the building type may be governed <br /> by residential building codes.An increase in size or <br /> intensity beyond the specified limit which would <br /> require the building to be classified as a mixed-use <br /> building shall not be allowed <br /> e. The business component of the building may include <br /> offices,small service establishments,homecrafts • <br />