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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21,2011 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Mr. Favazza expressed his concern with safety for children and other pedestrian <br /> traffic in the area, especially during the summer months. <br /> Karen Rajcic <br /> Ms. Rajcic noted that this had been her parent's home and she had observed in- <br /> creasing difficulties throughout the years, including State Fair parking on Skill- <br /> man during August; and the need to all work together. Ms. Rajcic advised that <br /> she had worked continually with City staff, both in the Police and Public Works <br /> Departments, to alleviate safety, signage and other concerns along Skillman and <br /> Prior. <br /> Willmus moved, Johnson seconded, to TABLE this action to an undetermined <br /> time. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> In the meantime, Councilmember Pust encouraged the School District and neigh- <br /> bors to discuss the items brought forward during tonight's discussion, and find <br /> resolution. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this would allow a season for use of the fields to determine <br /> if any additional parking was needed. <br /> b. Consider a Resolution Approving the Request by Pulte Homes of MN, LLC <br /> for a Preliminary Plat of the residentially-zoned property in the NW corner <br /> of Lexington Avenue and County Road C-2 <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon reviewed the request of <br /> Pulte Homes to plat the northwestern corner of the parcel at the intersection of <br /> Lexington Avenue and County Road C-2 to accommodate twenty-eight (28) one- <br /> family lots. Mr. Trudgeon advised that plat proposals were reviewed primarily to <br /> ensure all proposed lots met minimum size requirements of the City's Zoning <br /> Code, and that adequate streets and other public infrastructure were in place or <br /> identified and constructed; and that storm water was addressed to prevent any <br /> problems on nearby properties or within the City's storm water system itself. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon briefly reviewed staffs analysis, through the Development Review <br /> Committee (DRC), a body comprising staff from all City Departments, and their <br /> findings pertinent to the plat; and as detailed in the Request for Council Action <br /> dated March 21, 2011. <br /> The staff report included several submittals: Tree Preservation Summary (At- <br /> tachment D) for Josephine Wood dated February 24, 2011 by Alliant Engineering, <br /> Inc.; Pulte Homes Traffic Study (Attachment E) by SRF Consulting Group, Inc.; <br /> II <br />