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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21,2011 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Phone calls received by staff were provided and made a part of the record, at- <br /> tached hereto and made a part hereof from Bill Blake (in support, conditioned <br /> upon handicapped parking); Mike Gregory (in opposition); Karen Rogers (in op- <br /> position); and Mary Schwartzbauer and her sister (in support). <br /> Gary Grefenberg,91 Mid Oaks Lane <br /> Mr. Grefenberg addressed correspondence between himself and School District <br /> representatives, and explicit questions regarding whether on-site parking would be <br /> sufficient with the improvements to the ball fields, and their assurances that it <br /> would be; and that they would put in a pathway connecting parking to the newly- <br /> refurbished fields. Mr. Grefenberg asserted that, whether that was a promise or <br /> not, it was a firm commitment, that had been reconfirmed in subsequent corres- <br /> pondence with the School District that parking would be handled on-site, and not <br /> negatively impact the neighborhoods surrounding the athletic complex on three <br /> sides. Mr. Grefenberg noted that removing any additional green space in the <br /> southwest area of Roseville was a very controversial issue; and opined that the <br /> SW Roseville neighborhoods had long felt that the School District was not the <br /> most reliable neighbor; however, when he specifically asked the questions, he <br /> took their commitment that all parking needs would be met on-site to be true. Mr. <br /> Grefenberg referenced the correspondence dates and recipients and offered them <br /> as part of his testimony to the City Council. Mr. Grefenberg expressed his, and <br /> the neighborhoods, frustration with the lack of cooperation the neighbors had with <br /> the School District; and spoke in opposition to the proposed motion, and asked <br /> that the City Council not take action tonight. <br /> Mike Gregory, 1945 Sharondale Avenue <br /> Mr. Gregory noted his residency next to the Fairview Community Center adjacent <br /> to Prior Avenue; and his service as the Neighborhood Block Captain, and the area <br /> he represents. Mr. Gregory had provided his comments in writing, as previously <br /> referenced, and highlighted the issues. Mr. Gregory referenced his efforts to me- <br /> diate alternatives, including a non-structural solution in bagging "No Parking" <br /> signs where parking was currently restricted on-site. Mr. Gregory noted concerns <br /> with the fence gate that was installed as well. Mr. Gregory expressed frustration <br /> that the School District was not holding up their previous commitments and com- <br /> promises with the neighborhood. <br /> Karen Rajcic and Francesco Favazza, 1948 Skillman <br /> Ms. Rajcic referenced past correspondence based on her work with the City Po- <br /> lice Department in alleviating parking near the corner and blocking fire hydrants; <br /> and landscaping done by the Boy Scouts to facilitate people not parking on the <br /> grass. Ms. Rajcic asked that the City Council not approve this request tonight un- <br /> til a significant amount of discussion was held to provide the full picture and <br /> process. <br /> Francesco Favazza <br /> � I � <br /> II <br />