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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21, 2011 <br /> Page 22 <br /> and distribution for 110 cars per day; their rate; and her assertion that Josephine <br /> Road residents were being overburdened and bearing the brunt of east/west traffic <br /> from Hamline to Lexington. <br /> Ms. Newcome asked that the City Council provide more information and show <br /> some sensitivity about the traffic study and possible changes in service levels <br /> beyond her perceived optimism of the report; and that more time be taken to study <br /> traffic that given to-date. <br /> David Miliotis, 1128 County Road C-2 (cul-de-sac resident) <br /> Mr. Miliotis advised that he represented a group of homeowners Roseville C-2 <br /> Neighborhood Association, and referred everyone to their website at www.saveC- <br /> Mr. Miliotis provided the Association's position with respect to the neigh- <br /> borhood and their concerns; and summarized several facts, and provide a histori- <br /> cal perspective on actions of past City Council's related to County Road C-2 and <br /> its elimination as a through street. Mr. Miliotis provided additional references to <br /> the traffic study and projections. Mr. Miliotis concluded with the Association's <br /> advocacy of the goals presented in the Imagine Roseville 2025 and 2030 Compre- <br /> hensive Plan Update related to quality of life, safe neighborhoods, and pedestrian <br /> friendly neighborhoods where property values were also preserved and enhanced. <br /> Mr. Miliotis advised that the association did not support creating another major <br /> thoroughfare through Roseville that would only create additional traffic and safety <br /> concerns. Mr. Miliotis suggested that the City work on a solution to traffic con- <br /> cerns through development of a comprehensive traffic management plan, not <br /> through knee-jerk reactions to limited areas of concern. <br /> Chuck Stokes, 2875 N Griggs Street (C-2 and Griggs) <br /> Mr. Stokes thanked Councilmembers for their service to the community; and <br /> spoke specifically to the Josephine Woods Development, opining that County <br /> Road C-2 issues could be hashed out separately. Mr. Stokes expressed his prefe- <br /> rence that the development not occur, as he enjoyed the natural area currently in <br /> place. However, he conceded that, since that was not up to him, the plans submit- <br /> ted by Pulte Homes and approved unanimously by the Planning Commission, <br /> seemed to represent about as good of a plan as could be hoped for, and showed a <br /> great deal of respect for the adjacent established neighborhood through construc- <br /> tion of this new neighborhood, not just another housing development. Mr. Stokes <br /> expressed appreciation to the developer in their attempt to save historic trees, pro- <br /> vide and connect walking paths and other amenities; and opined that this was a <br /> good step forward. While expressing some concern about the current and poten- <br /> tial drainage issues, he expressed confidence in the City and developer's address- <br /> ing that situation; but also asked that a contingency fund be established to replace <br /> trees inadvertently damaged during construction. Mr. Stokes spoke in support of <br /> the City Council proceeding with the Planning Commission recommendation as <br /> presented. <br /> gill � <br />