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Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this SNIP: <br />*Measurable Goals: <br />Step 1: Completion of the City's determination whether there are impaired waters of concern <br />Step 2: A map showing the locations of discharges and delineated watershed areas <br />Step 3: Completion of the impaired waters evaluation <br />Step 4: Completion of the impaired waters report <br />Step 5: Changes to the City's SWPPP <br />*Timeline/Implementation Schedule: <br />Step 1: Within 6 months of a trigger event <br />Step 2: Within 6 months of a trigger event <br />Step 3: Within 12 months of a trigger event <br />Step 4: Within 12 months of a trigger event <br />Step 5: Within 18 months of a trigger event <br />Specific Components and Notes: <br />The steps listed in this BMP will be executed in response to the listing of impaired waters. It is likely that these <br />tasks will precede (perhaps by years) the initiation and completion of the TMDL Study and Waste Load Allocation <br />for these impaired waters. The data, information, and understanding of the water quality problems and solutions for <br />the impaired waters will be significantly less at the time of the preparation of these materials than when the TMDL <br />Study and the Waste Load Allocation have been completed. For this reason, the level of analysis and the breadth of <br />the response by the City will be significantly less for the preparation of these materials and modifications to the <br />SWPPP at this time than at the time of the completion of the TMDL Study and the Waste Load Allocation. The <br />City's analysis and response for this BMP will be based on data and information that are readily available at the <br />time. <br />*Responsible Party for this BMP: <br />Name: Debra Bloom <br />Department: Public Works <br />Phone: 651 792 -7042 <br />E -mail: deb.bloom <br />*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due <br />to incompleteness. <br />