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Additional MP Summary Sheet Copy as Necessary <br />MS4 Name: <br />Minimum Control Measure: <br />Unique BMP Identification Number: <br />City of Roseville <br />1V.D Section 303(d) listings <br />IV.D -1 <br />*BMP Title: Impaired Waters Review Process <br />*BMP Description: <br />The following terms are used in the course of this BMP description: <br />Trigger event <br />Impaired waters evaluation <br />Impaired waters report <br />These terms are used to describe steps of a process to address a specific MS4 Permit requirement. These terms do <br />not imply or mandate the creation of written reports or materials that must be submitted to the MPCA. Written <br />documentation from these steps will be retained as part of the City's MS4 Permit records. These records will be <br />retained as per Part VI.B. of the MS4 General Permit and available to the MPCA upon request. <br />For waters that are impaired only for mercury, only Step 1 of this BMP will be implemented. Based on the <br />Minnesota statewide mercury TMDL, it is being assumed that the City's MS4 discharge does not contribute to the <br />mercury impairment. This assumption also applies to waters with multiple impairments that include mercury. For <br />these waters, only the other non mercury impairments must be addressed through Steps 2 through 5. <br />As per 40 CFR 122.2 and 122.3, the measures in this BMP will not be applied to flows from irrigated agriculture or <br />agricultural storm water runoff within the City's jurisdiction. <br />The steps included in this BMP will be instigated by one or more of the following trigger events: <br />1. The extension of MS4 Permit coverage upon approval of the City's submittal materials and Application by the <br />MPCA Commissioner. <br />2. The release of a new 303(d) list of Impaired Waters by the MPCA that is approved by the USEPA. <br />In Step 1, the City will review the Impaired Waters List to determine whether there are any impaired waters located <br />within five miles of the City's boundaries that receive discharge from the City's MS4. Such waters will be <br />identified as "impaired waters of concern." This term is used only for the purposes of this BMP to define the set of <br />impaired waters that must be addressed in the subsequent steps. The City will depend on the 303(d) list of <br />Impaired Waters to make this determination. Where the information in the list is insufficient, the City will contact <br />the MPCA for further clarification. <br />In Step 2, the City will identify the location(s) of discharge(s) from the City's MS4 to the impaired waters of <br />concern identified in Step 1. Discharges may include pipes, outlets, ditches, swales, street gutters, or other discrete <br />conveyances for storm water runoff. As part of Step 2, the City will also delineate the watershed area within the <br />City's jurisdication that discharges to each impaired water of concern identified in Step 1. <br />In Step 3, the City will prepare an impaired waters evaluation addressing the hydrology, land use, and other <br />characteristics of each watershed area delineated in Step 2. <br />In Step 4, the City will prepare an impaired waters report. This report will address the results of the steps listed <br />above along with a determination of whether changes to the City's SWPPP are warranted to reduce the impact from <br />the City's MS4 storm water discharge to each impaired water of concern. <br />In Step 5, the City will incorporate the changes identified in the impaired waters report into the City's SWPPP, as <br />per the provisions of the MS4 General Permit regarding SWPPP modifications. The changes to the SWPPP will be <br />reported in the subsequent Annual Report, along with a summary of the process (as listed above) that resulted in the <br />changes. <br />wq- stom4 -50 <br />