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Unique <br />ID <br />Title <br />Measurable Goal <br />Implementation Status <br />Yes <br />No <br />BMP Area 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Measures <br />3a -1 <br />Storm Sewer System Map <br />2004 Complete mapping and verification of 25% <br />2005 Complete mapping and verification of 50% <br />2006 Complete mapping and verification of 75% <br />2007 Complete mapping and verification of 100% <br />X <br />Completed in 2006- continue to monitor and update on an annual basis <br />3b -1 (1) Regulatory Program Control <br />1 (Illicit discharge ordinance (Implement ordinance, review annually 1 1 X 1 (Updated Ordinance in 2009 <br />2 <br />Illegal Dumping/ Nuisance <br />(Ordinance) <br />Implement ordinance, review annually <br />X <br />Updated Ordinance in 2009 <br />3 <br />Illicit Connection to Storm <br />Sewer (Ordinance) <br />Implement ordinance, review annually <br />X <br />Updated Ordinance in 2009 <br />4 <br />Right to-entry Provision <br />(Ordinance) <br />Implement ordinance, review annually <br />X <br />Updated Ordinance in 2009 <br />5 <br />Post- construction Inspection <br />of Storm Sewer (Ordinance) <br />Implement ordinance, review annually <br />X <br />Ordinance in place, review annually <br />6 <br />Septic Systems Prohibited in <br />Water Management Overlay <br />Districts (Ordinance) <br />Implement ordinance, review annually <br />X <br />Ordinance in place, review annually <br />3c -1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan <br />Number of outfalls inspected for dry weather flow <br />19 <br />Inspect and document dry weather flow from storm water outfalls annually <br />3d -1 Public and Employee Illicit Discharge <br />Number of illicit discharges located <br />0 <br />Information Program <br />Document and evaluate spill responses <br />18 <br />Minor spills, Mitigation preformed by Fire personnel. <br />Did training occur (y /n) <br />X <br />List training programs offered <br />Hazardous material <br />X <br />Currently in place and will continue <br />3e -1 <br />Identification of Non -Storm Water Discharges and Flows <br />1 <br />IndustriaWUarehouse District <br />Inspection <br />Frequency (maintain log sheet) <br />yearly <br />X <br />Currently in place and will continue annually <br />2 <br />Spill Reduction and Response <br />Program <br />Frequency (maintain log sheet) <br />yearly <br />X <br />Currently in place and will continue annually <br />BMP Area 4: Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Measures <br />4a -1 <br />Ordinance or other Regulatory Mechanism <br />1Implement and review ordinance annually <br />X <br />Implement and review ordinance annually- working on update in 2011 <br />4b -1 Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs <br />Number of plans reviewed 1 20 1 1 1Currently in place and will continue annually <br />4c -1 Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators <br />Implement ordinance, review annually 1 1 X 1 'Implement ordinance and review annually <br />4d -1 Procedure for Site Plan Review <br />Number of plans reviewed <br />99 <br />Currently in place and will continue annually <br />Number of resulting BM Ps <br />4 <br />NPDES PHASE II Permit <br />City of Roseville 2010 Annual Report <br />Best Management Practices Minimum Control Measures <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />