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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:01:09 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:00:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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1 their findings; conflicting reports on how Curly Leaf Pond Weeds were impacting the body of <br />2 water; and previous presentation of alternatives to the public in the fall of 2009. <br />3 <br />4 Mr. Petersen advised that the next Clean Water Legacy RFP will take place in September for <br />5 2011 allocation and suggested that the GLWMO consider application for BMP funding and to <br />6 include this item on the 2011 work plan and identify a project(s) for this funding. <br />7 <br />8 Chip Welling as Visitor at Future Meeting <br />9 Chair Ferrington suggested that Mr. Welling provide a twenty- minute presentation at a future <br />10 meeting, and offered to contact him to confirm his willingness to make such a presentation. <br />11 <br />12 Jim Stark, Director of U. S. Geological Service Presentation at Future Meeting <br />13 Chair Ferrington suggested that Mr. Stark attend the GLWMO's July 22, 2010 meeting to <br />14 discuss findings as part of emerging contaminants in the series of lakes selected with USGS <br />15 criteria, of which Lake Owasso was one. Chair Ferrington advised that Mr. Stark would be able <br />16 to provide a sense of what was happening in the State of MN related to some of these very low <br />17 levels of contaminants showing up throughout the United States <br />18 <br />19 An invitation to Mr. Stark to make a presentation to the Board was approved by consensus. Chair <br />20 Ferrington will make arrangements. <br />21 <br />22 Member Westerberg requested the context of impaired waters and wastewater treatment plans <br />23 with TMDL's, with Chair Ferrington reviewing the process initiated to manage certain <br />24 contaminants in watersheds. <br />25 <br />26 Discussion: Aladdin Street Stormwater Project Update Goodnature <br />27 Mr. Petersen advised that Mr. Goodnature was unable to attend tonight's meeting and provided <br />28 an update in his absence. Mr. Petersen noted that, until the grant agreement is executed by Chair <br />29 Ferrington, and an Operations and Maintenance Contract developed between the City of <br />30 Roseville (as the ultimate management responsibility person) and the Watershed District, the <br />31 work plan could not be initiated. Mr. Petersen advised that Mr. Schwartz and Roseville City <br />32 Engineer Debra Bloom were putting together a draft document as a template for a possible <br />33 maintenance agreement. Mr. Petersen further advised that once things were moving forward on <br />34 the administrative side, a work plan would be to BWSR and the ultimate allocation of grant <br />35 funds. However, Mr. Petersen noted that allocation would be delayed until submission of the <br />36 audit and financial statement. <br />37 <br />38 Ms. Lewis noted that Grant Agreements had yet to be processed by the BWSR. <br />39 <br />40 Chair Ferrington provided additional background information as a follow -up: a was meeting held <br />41 with various interested parties several weeks ago to discuss the process of this new grant <br />42 program and to become familiar with how it operates and who the responsible parties are for <br />43 different elements of the overall program. Chair Ferrington noted that the GLWMO's oversight <br />44 and management of grant funds was a new precedent; and assistance would be required in <br />45 preparation; and in ensuring that involved cities do long -term maintenance of capital <br />46 improvement projects. Chair Ferrington advised that the draft Operations and Maintenance <br />5 <br />
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