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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:05:34 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:04:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Manzara opined that notification could be given to citizens by the GLWMO if <br />necessary; however, noting that there was no need for involvement if there was no concern <br />warranted. <br />Chair Ferrington noted his embarrassment in this particular situation in having a resident notify <br />him and asking what was happening; and opined that asking for notice from Ramsey County <br />Parks seemed prudent as a first and appropriate step in dealing with inquiries by citizens. <br />Mr. Petersen suggested using the example of Ramsey County closing a beach for public health <br />concerns, but not notifying the local water management board; and opined that as a matter of <br />protocol, the GLWMO should request to receive a minimum two (2) week advance notice when <br />pesticide applications were planned for Snail Lake or Lake Owasso. <br />Member Manzara noted that once initial notice was provided, what additional actions were <br />indicated; and asked that further discussion be included on the next meeting agenda <br />General consensus of the Board was to authorize Chair Ferrington, in an effort to maintain a <br />positive working relationship, to make contact with Ramsey County Parks staff requesting that <br />the GLWMO be forewarned of herbicide applications, and once more details were received and <br />if so indicated, to potentially pursue having input by GLWMO into the process. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Invoice E Ramsey County Public Works Invoice #PUBW- 010246 <br />MOTION <br />Member Eckman moved, Member Manzara seconded approval of payment to Ramsey County <br />Public Works as final payment for the West Vadnais Lake Outlet Construction project completed <br />in 2007 in the amount of $1,824.32, as per written agreement between Ramsey County and the <br />GLWMO. <br />The invoice is for cost participation by the GLWMO of 16.66% of the project cost in 2004; with <br />the GLWMO's total cost share of $13,900. Mr. Petersen noted that previous payments by the <br />GLWMO to -date were $12,076.31 of the total percentage required as match by GLWMO. <br />Mr. Maloney explained the purpose of the GLWMO's participation in this agreement for outlet <br />to West Vadnais Lake south under I -694 providing for nominal overflow from Grass Lake into <br />another watershed district. The match was agreed to by the Board in the past as part of MnDOT's <br />"Unweave the Weave" project. Mr. Maloney noted that by including this work in the MnDOT <br />project, it was done so at a substantially reduced price due to leveraging economies of scale for <br />the overall project; with the actual amount less than original estimates. Mr. Maloney advised <br />that the cost -share apportionment included several watershed districts, with Grass Lakes being a <br />minority partner in the agreement and cost sharing, with costs apportioned based on tributary <br />area assumptions to the basin in extreme high water conditions. <br />11 <br />
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