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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:07:03 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:06:18 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Schwartz, but asked that they not be included in the decision making. Mr. Maloney advised that, <br />in his City role and that of Mr. Schwartz, he did business with the majority of the firms listed and <br />needed to be clear on his role in the process. <br />By consensus, Members concurred with Mr. Maloney; and Chair Ferrington noted that there <br />would be five (5) votes by Members of the GLWMO on the consultant selection process. <br />Review BWSR Grant Program and Approve Commitment of Matching Funds for <br />Inclusion in Grant Proposal <br />Mr. Petersen, due to time constraints, reviewed the RCD's application for grant funds through <br />the Clean Water Legacy Fund Act and offered by the BWSR for shoreline restoration activities. <br />Mr. Petersen reviewed other agencies interested in partnering in the application, and suggested <br />that the GLWMO participate in the process and suggested requesting $10,000 in grant funds for <br />Lake Owasso and committing $5,000 from the 2011 budget as a match from the GLWMO. Mr. <br />Petersen reviewed previous successful protocols implemented by the Rice Creek and Capitol <br />Region Watershed Districts; the importance of cost share included in previous applications <br />developed by the RCD for covering technical and administrative costs incurred to carry out <br />design and follow -up for residential property owner projects. Mr. Petersen suggested that the <br />GLWMO's portion of funds could be utilized from budgeted monies earmarked for its annual <br />outreach/technical program. <br />Chair Ferrington advised that he had reviewed the background information posted on line and <br />available on the BWSR website; and spoke in support of taking advantage of this grant <br />opportunity. <br />Discussion included 2011 budgeted funds and their designations; interest of property owners in <br />such cost -share programs; pictorial examples of similar projects completed to -date; the Board's <br />qualification in meeting appropriate criteria to make application; and the need to mobilize earlier <br />next year to apply for grant funds now that the GLWMO was aware of those funds. <br />Member Manzara moved, Chair Ferrington seconded, acceptance of the letter as written by Mr. <br />Peterson and submitted to the GLWMO, attached hereto and made a part thereof, and approved <br />moving forward with commitment of 5,000 from the 2011 GLWMO budget for matching <br />funds. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Identify Topics for Workshop in September; Determine date /place for Workshop <br />Chair Ferrington reviewed potential topics for the upcoming GLWMO Workshop agenda; and <br />clarified that this was only an informational workshop with no action items and no need for <br />Recording Secretary services. Only discussion will occur and any subsequent formal action can <br />be considered at the October regular meeting. Chair Ferrington noted that, as with all GLWMO <br />activities, the Workshop would be open to the public. <br />10 <br />
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