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Chair Ferrington provided a copy of the most current draft of the RFP as prepared by the <br />subcommittee consisting of him and Member Manzara; and provided a brief history of the <br />development of the RFP based on the Second Generation Management Plan. This draft of the <br />RFP has been developed with some additional assistance and comments from Mr. Maloney, Mr. <br />Schwartz and Mr. Peterson. <br />Chair Ferrington sought further comment and recommendation from the full Board. He <br />expressed a desire to keep the RFP to a maximum of three (3) pages and sought input from <br />Board members on whether to provide electronic and/or paper copies to prospective consulting <br />companies, and an appropriate deadline date for receipt of proposals. <br />Member Eckman moved, Member Von De Linde seconded approval of the Request for <br />Proposals (RFP), dated August 19, 2010 as presented, to develop the Third Generation <br />Watershed Management Plan. Discussion followed. <br />Member Westerberg expressed concern that a formal, stakeholder involvement plan needed to be <br />included in writing to ensure their expectations were documented. <br />Chair Ferrington advised that, in regard to development of the ten -(10) year plan itself, there <br />would be a section specifically addressing formal and informal communication strategies. He <br />noted the RFP requests a timeline for achieving citizen -input communication goals, and that <br />sections of the plan brought before the board as they're developed, and disseminated to citizen <br />technical work groups for input prior to completion of the entire plan and a comprehensive <br />review by the full Board before submission to BWSR for approval. <br />Discussion topics included: <br />Page 3, Item 5 of draft RFP <br />It was the consensus of the Board that language similar to the following be inserted in Item 5 to <br />address the concerns of Members: <br />"Describe the process for soliciting public comment, including the number of meetings <br />and consultant time required to develop communication opportunities." <br />Page 1, 1 Bullet Point <br />Member Eckman requested a footnote listing the specific, "significant," inventoried water bodies <br />referenced in the Second Generation ten -(10) year plan. <br />Discussion included the water body classification system and those responsible parties for their <br />management listed in the existing plan and consultant's use of that 2" Generation Plan for <br />background and reference; cost effectiveness and type(s) of measurement goals for restoration <br />and /or protection; progressive nature and stringent goals of the 2 Generation Plan compared to <br />State goals putting the GLWMO in a better position than many other Watershed Districts; <br />protection versus restoration. It was noted that all of these topics are part of the 2 generation <br />plan and, consequently, the suggested footnote was redundant and not needed. <br />3 <br />