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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:09:15 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:08:11 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Chair Ferrington opined that he (Mr. Olivier) could more clearly and fairly represent a broader <br />perspective of issues in the GLWMO. <br />Member Eckman concurred, opining that he also was a stakeholder given his residence in this <br />watershed. <br />Further discussion included prejudices or benefits of such interest. <br />Member Manzara noted that EOR may require more assistance in getting the Board through the <br />process, while Barr provided for more assistance; and that consideration needed to be given to <br />how much help was needed throughout the process. Member Manzara noted her interest in the <br />Houston suggestions for that involvement. <br />Chair Ferrington suggested that supplementary "technical working committees" may be prudent, <br />with specific tasks and timelines for accomplishment of those tasks in order to facilitate the <br />process. Chair Ferrington also noted his interest in the Houston suggestions. Chair Ferrington <br />suggested further discussion on what kind of representation those technical working committees <br />should have, emphasizing that they would be working committees, not advisory committees, <br />with their commitment established to work with the consultant on a continuous basis toward <br />completion of their committee tasks. <br />Further discussion included the philosophical nature of "technical working committees" and <br />creation of specific expectations and timelines for those efforts to be recommended to the full <br />Board; and liaison roles of individual Board members to specific "technical work committees <br />Selection of preferred consulting company <br />Chair Ferrington requested if any individual members wished to revise their rankings at this <br />point in response to discussion by the Board at large. <br />Member Von De Linde noted that she would like to change several scores for individual ranking <br />criteria, including under Barr, under the category demonstration of consistent record, change <br />from a "6" to a "2," given her limited length on the board and inability to determine that <br />consistency. Also, under the cost column for the Barr proposal, Member Von De Linde <br />requested changing from "5" to "2," after her further review of costs. <br />Member Manzara provided a new composite total average for Barr based on those revisions, <br />from 77.3 to 75.7, which resulted in more consistency and agreement among individual Board <br />members on the highest ranking firm. Chair Ferrington noted that the EOR ranking remained <br />highest at 88.7 points. <br />Member Eckman expressed concern that Barr's price was so much higher than the Board's <br />published budget. She also was concerned with their (Barr's) lack of attempt to stay within the <br />Board's price range, as well spreading the work over such a long time. Member Eckman further <br />noted the history of Barr's substantial overruns with a previous GLWMO project. <br />5 <br />
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