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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:12:10 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:10:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Chair Ferrington noted that the proposal on the agenda tonight from Mr. Goodnature and the <br />RCD did not formally include the cost -share program. <br />Member Manzara opined that provision of those services needed to be very clearly defined. <br />Tom Petersen, Independent Contractor <br />Mr. Petersen provided as a bench handout, attached hereto and made a part hereof, his proposal <br />and credentials as an Independent Contractor to provide Administrative and Support Services to <br />the GLWMO in 2011, including a cost and task breakdown. <br />Mr. Petersen thanked the GLWMO Board for the opportunity to work with them in the past and <br />for their consideration of his proposal at tonight's meeting. Mr. Petersen reviewed his education <br />and professional certifications; his professional experience; and his established network and <br />inter- agency coordination during his thirty (30) years with the RCD; opining that he was <br />uniquely qualified to continue assisting the GLWMO Board. Mr. Petersen advised that he saw <br />no problems in coordinating with the RCD for technical assistance; and noted that the GLWMO <br />had been a valued client of the RCD and that their relationship could continue in that technical <br />capacity. Mr. Petersen emphasized that his estimated hours and hourly rate detailed in his <br />proposal are negotiable and flexible at the GLWMO Board's discretion. <br />Member Manzara noted that there may be coordination challenges in Mr. Petersen's move from <br />the RCD as the GLWMO Board's "nerve center" to Mr. Petersen as an Independent Contractor; <br />and opined it was important that the provider of administrative services remain aware of any <br />changing requirements, specifically current and continually changing groundwater concerns. <br />Member Manzara sought clarification from Mr. Petersen on how he proposed to stay on top of <br />issues, without it being reflected on his invoice to the GLWMO, if chosen to be the provider. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that, having been in this profession for thirty (30) years, he had developed a <br />relationship with BWSR and other WD jurisdictions in Ramsey County, and brought with him an <br />excellent network of professionals to discuss and review new ideas and from which to acquire <br />information, rules and changes in regulations. <br />Member Manzara noted a potential need for the GLWMO Board to purchase record retention <br />services as part of any provider contract; and questioned the status and location of past, current <br />and future records. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that he would anticipate providing record retention as part of his services. <br />Chair Ferrington opined that, regardless of the Board's decision on providers, Member Manzara <br />brought up a good point that had not been discussed in the past. The Board should be aware of <br />record retention requirements and potential record retrieval needs of the Board with any agency <br />or consultant it worked with. <br />10 <br />
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