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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:12:10 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:10:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Manzara noted several items that had come up as part of the Board's past history with <br />the RCD related to information and communication flow, and opined that the Board needed to <br />consider them as part of their criteria for choosing future support services provider. <br />Mr. Petersen assured the Board that, as an Independent Contractor, he could develop a record <br />retention system with one of the member cities. <br />Member Westerberg asked which services, in the detailed list, had been provided by Mr. <br />Petersen in his previous role with the RCD, and which had been provided by other staff of the <br />RCD. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that he had implemented administrative tasks for the 2010 year for the <br />GLWMO Board, with the exception of graphics for the annual report that were provided by Mr. <br />Goodnature. <br />Member Manzara asked for clarification on the specific hours Mr. Petersen projected if the <br />management of the GLWMO Board's website were not under his purview; and he provided only <br />basic administrative updates periodically requested by the Board, and posting and distribution of <br />the Board's meeting packets. <br />Mr. Petersen estimated that, with the proposed and recommended restructuring of the website, he <br />could see those hours reduced by half. <br />Chair Ferrington noted the transition made for website management last year, and assumed that <br />the City would not be a fall back for this service in the future. <br />Mr. Maloney, speaking for Shoreview, concurred with that assumption, noting that he had held a <br />conceptual discussion with his boss, who had confirmed that it would not be an option. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that, in general, and based on previous discussion moving from quarterly <br />to monthly meetings of the GLWMO and with current Roseville staffing levels, he didn't see the <br />City of Roseville being able to provide that website management either. Mr. Schwartz noted that <br />the 2011 City of Roseville budget still had a requested position unconfirmed until final budget <br />approval. <br />Chair Ferrington questioned if the City of Roseville could provide a cost estimate of those <br />services if staff was available? Mr. Schwartz advised that the City could not compete with the <br />hourly rates of Mr. Petersen. <br />Mr. Petersen reiterated that his estimated hours were flexible, and he would periodically advise <br />the GLWMO Board of any great fluctuations they needed to be aware of. <br />Chair Ferrington noted that these services had been integrated within both proposals, and asked <br />Member Manzara for her rationale in separating out the services. <br />11 <br />
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