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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:12:10 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 12:10:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Manzara opined that the current GLWMO website was not very enticing and not very <br />informative, and with the exception of the meeting packet, there was little of interest for the <br />general public. Member Manzara further opined that the Board needed to explore what was <br />currently being provided by Avena and how the site could be managed differently to make it <br />more informative and dynamic. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that Avena currently provided no update or management services of the <br />GLWMO website. <br />Member Manzara suggested there was room for improvement or change of the website; <br />recognizing that it wasn't something that could be incorporated into the current budget. <br />However, Member Manzara noted that if website management and related hourly rates were <br />excluded from either of the administrative contracts, that budgeted amount could be used for <br />more effective website management exclusive of other administrative duties <br />Chair Ferrington opined that the Board needed more than website management, but a different <br />design and a more functional web site that better represented the GLWMO. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that the strengths brought forward in his proposal were his network with <br />WSD's and other Water Management Organizations, and his first -hand knowledge of the <br />GLWMO organization and its goals. <br />Member Manzara suggested that the Board discuss how and if they want the cost -share program <br />handled; how to coordinate those services; and how that changed either or both proposals. <br />Chair Ferrington questioned if either proposer had in -house technical expertise beyond minor <br />website updating. <br />Mr. Goodnature confirmed that the RCD had that expertise and the software available to <br />manipulate the Board's website. <br />Member Manzara questioned if Ms. WhiteEagle was working on that aspect at the RCD. <br />Mr. Petersen responded negatively. <br />Mr. Goodnature advised that Ms. WhiteEagle's participation would mostly likely be limited to <br />posting and updating the website. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that a web specialist could be sought out to provide web disign services <br />very cost effectively to the Board; and expressed his willingness to reduce his proposal <br />accordingly. <br />Member Manzara suggested that, at the December 15, 2010 meeting, the Board have a free <br />discussion on both proposals as the first item on the agenda without the attendance of the <br />contractors during that discussion. <br />12 <br />
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