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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 1:57:57 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 1:53:54 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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595 Review and Discuss Items Identified in 2001 Plan and Previous Board Discussions AND <br />596 GLWMO Vision and Mission for the Next Ten (10) Years <br />597 At the request of Ms. Correll, discussion was held on the success and/or results of the "report <br />598 card" process as a framework to measure performance of the Second Generation Plan and lack of <br />599 evidence of their continued use to -date; recognition that the 2001 Plan pre-dated when cities fell <br />600 under MS4 and NDPES regulations negating the need for a review mechanism for cities; current <br />601 process for city inventories and reporting of water quality making the report card process <br />602 redundant, while creating a lack of awareness for the public in the cost of implementing MS4 <br />603 requirements other than the mandated annual published report; and inclusion in the Third <br />604 Generation Plan of how MS4 regulations informed measurable action items with the annual <br />605 report showing trends in meeting those goals. <br />606 <br />607 Mr. Maloney suggested that the GLWMO Board should have some mechanism in place <br />608 recognizing the annual reports by member cities. <br />609 <br />610 Further discussion included incorporation of city summary information with data needed by the <br />611 GLWMO; how the report information could be used in the GLWMO's educational components <br />612 for stormwater practices, in conjunction with city requirements in meeting the MS4 goals for <br />613 education and outreach; specifically addressing wetland resources in the Plan; minimum <br />614 protection standards consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA); <br />615 identifying standards for implementation by the GLWMO for future evaluation of more stringent <br />616 standards; and identification of local government units (LGU's). <br />617 <br />618 Additional discussion included pending status of the Ramsey County Groundwater Protection <br />619 Plan in providing consistency for the GLWMO to address stormwater runoff; identification of <br />620 former dump sites in the GLWMO area; guidance for cities with vulnerable areas, specifically <br />621 wellhead protection and drinking water supply areas; an inventory of wellhead protection areas <br />622 recently completed by RCD staff; mechanisms in place to identify unused wells at property <br />623 points of sale; how to become more aware of or stay alert of evolving groundwater issues in the <br />624 metropolitan area as a whole that area bigger in scope and scale than just the area served by the <br />625 GLWMO; emerging pollutants in surface water; results of the recent USGS Study conducted on <br />626 Lake Owasso; pending completion by the City of Shoreview on Phase I of their Wellhead <br />627 Protection Plan; and recognizing the difference in member cities with the City of Shoreview <br />628 having its own wells and the City of Roseville purchasing water through the Saint Paul Regional <br />629 Water Utility Service. <br />630 <br />631 Discussion ensued related to future Board discussions if the Ramsey County Groundwater <br />632 Protection Plan was approved, and subsequent mandates on cities and WMO's incorporating <br />633 mandated policies for other LGU's and what legal authority a WMO had as a permitting agency; <br />634 and the need once a new Plan is in place for cities to become in compliance with their <br />635 Comprehensive Water Management Plan. <br />636 <br />637 Mr. Maloney noted that the City of Roseville had to make their local plan comply with three (3) <br />638 different entities: Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD), Capitol Region Watershed District <br />639 (CRWD) and GLWMO. <br />640 <br />14 <br />
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