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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 1:57:57 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 1:53:54 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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641 Ms. Bloom noted that under the Metropolitan Council and BWSR's requirements, the City's <br />642 Surface Water Management Plan needed to be consistent with all three Plans; and noted the need <br />643 for the GLWMO to be aware of how potentially onerous that could become. <br />644 <br />645 Member Manzara noted that consistency, where appropriate, would also be preferred with the <br />646 stormwater runoff component. <br />647 <br />648 Given the lateness of the hour, Ms. Correll suggested individual members submit their <br />649 perceptions for the GLWMO's vision and mission over the next ten (10) years via e-mail that <br />650 could be collated by her as draft goals /policies for future refinement. Ms. Correll emphasized <br />651 the importance for the GLWMO to set those and frame the role for their organization before the <br />652 next stakeholder meeting in order to effectively communicate that to the public. Ms. Correll <br />653 suggested that each member provide five words describing how they saw the GLWMO. <br />654 <br />655 Member Manzara noted the GLWMO was coming into this project anticipating the next ten <br />656 years, and given WMO's current state of flux as a result of the drastic changes in dealing with <br />657 cities and state WMO's; it was her strong desire to preface any goals and policies as a "working" <br />658 document. Member Manzara, as incoming Board Chair, expressed her hesitancy in publically <br />659 identifying a vision during this stage of the WMO's refocusing that may be subject to change and <br />660 should thus be identified as a work in progress rather than giving any perceptions as definitive or <br />661 final. <br />662 <br />663 Member Westerberg noted the difference in that vision between pragmatic versus absolutist. <br />664 <br />665 Ms. Correll anticipated that the vision would evolve over the next four months of the planning <br />666 process. <br />667 <br />668 Member Eckman suggested that the GLWMO consider adopting a vision modeled after peer <br />669 Watershed Districts or WMO's since they each shared a basic mission. <br />670 <br />671 Member Manzara spoke in support of individual members providing Ms. Correll with their five <br />672 words as a start to the visioning process. <br />673 <br />674 Chair Ferrington opined that board leadership dictated that the Board start the visioning process <br />675 and have it as a framework, and supported sending five words to be refined later, followed by <br />676 stakeholder input providing for further refinement. <br />677 <br />678 Further discussion included the need for a new vision reflecting changes in watershed <br />679 management; inclusion of stakeholder input in the vision as it became available; discussion of <br />680 Vision and Mission Statements of other watershed districts seeking one addressing basic <br />681 management; and development of the Plan without a Mission Statement in place. <br />682 <br />683 Ms. Correll suggested that at the first stakeholder meeting, identification of water bodies and <br />684 their respective trends be provided; and by providing a Vision and Mission Statement from both <br />685 ends of the spectrum, using the CRWD model, seeking input from those stakeholders on which <br />686 version they supported. <br />15 <br />
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