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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:13:41 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:05:25 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Receiving Report and Providing for Public Hearing on Improvement No. ST-80-22
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />14 <br /> <br />MR. SAND: Will they have an impact on the cost of the <br />improvement? <br /> <br />~m. HONCHELL: Obviously they will have an impact. Every <br />year we have to do these studies and have to make estimates. <br />Historically we have been very close in our preliminary estimates <br />to the cost. You never get them to the dollar, but generally <br />pretty good. <br /> <br />MR. SAND: Conceivably between now and January 26 the per <br />lot assessment could change. <br /> <br />ME. HONCHELL: We only do detailed work when there is a <br />project ordered. We do those detailed project activities <br />when there's an actual project going to construction. At this <br />point it's a feasibility study and we have gone out and have done <br />what we feel is an excellent job of estimating, but we don't do <br />the detailed design until there's a project ordered. <br /> <br />MR. WAYNE PEDERSON, 1553 Lydia: As I looked at the project <br />from the information I got in the mail I questioned taking care <br />of what seems like minor problems with such a mammoth project <br />because it seems we have minimal amounts of water standing in our <br />neighborhood, but I'm especially questioning it tonight when I <br />find out we're putting in storm sewers, not because we want to <br />put in storm sewers, but because we want to put in streets, and I <br />question the rationale of that. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Some of us have been driving Lydia for quite a <br />few years, and I guess some of us know there is water, and if <br />you doubt it, I think we have a heavy build-up of ice on Lydia <br />in the winter, and there's just no doubt about it, we have water <br />problems on Lydia and have had for years. We're not going out and <br />digging up storm sewers to do just (inaudible) We do from time to <br />time when it's predicated (inaudible) or we have a petition from <br />people, or we determine the water problems are something that <br />just have to (inaudible). I will say this, that Lydia Avenue <br />is a Minnesota State Aid Road. The cost will be borne by that <br />entity, not the owners. That comes from gas tax and license <br />plates. <br /> <br />The City of Rosevil1e a few years ago took all its State Aid <br />roads and they were prioritized according to the condition they <br />were in, amount of traffic, various conditions, and they were <br />ranked, and we have been doing those each year as their ranking <br />came up. Lydia was (inaudible), but in other words, we didn't just <br />pull Lydia out of a hat. <br /> <br />MR. ARTHUR MASON, 3025 Arona: One thing I'm questioning - <br />what are the darker lines going through the city park - cutting <br />across? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Those are what we call the high points that <br />divide - for instance, if you use the one going through the city <br />park - an east/west line, roughly everything north of that line <br />drains northerly, south drains southerly. It's what we use to <br />
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