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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 2:03:11 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 2:02:25 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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181 Mr. Petersen concurred, noting that the Ramsey County Public Works Dept. had concerns with <br />182 the grant terms prohibiting 24D on the beach and getting consensus from residents to not use <br />183 24d. Mr. Petersen opined that applying for the grant at a future time may be worth considering. <br />184 NO FURTHER ACTION NOW. <br />185 <br />186 Third Generation Watershed Management Plan Figures Mr. Petersen provided a handout, <br />187 attached hereto and made a part hereof, consisting of a Memorandum to the GLWMO Board <br />188 dated January 20, 2011 from Camilla Correll, Project Manager for EOR, and entitled, "GLWMO <br />189 Watershed Management Plan Figures." <br />190 The memorandum listed figures, in accordance with MN Rule 8410.0170 requirements, that <br />191 needed to be included in the Plan, and that had not been incorporated into the initial EOR <br />192 proposal and subsequent executed contract. EOR requested a decision from the Board on how to <br />193 proceed with the compiling and /or creating these figures. <br />194 Discussion included whether City staff or Mr. Petersen had access to, or could produce the map <br />195 figures in -house with the assistance of Ramsey Conservation District personnel; those already <br />196 available in electronic format and only needing updating; lack of availability of phosphorus <br />197 loading information for Lake Owasso in the City of Roseville; possibility of accessing <br />198 information from the BARR study and identifying proprietary ownership; and updating of <br />199 electronic base maps. <br />200 Figures Provided by the Cities <br />201 Mr. Schwartz identified those items that could be provided by the City of Roseville through GIS <br />202 coverage information (Figures 10 Existing Land Use, and Future Land Use 11, and potentially <br />203 Figure 6 Storm sewer System Map as part of the recent Comprehensive Plan Update) that would <br />204 provide Roseville and Shoreview data. <br />205 When asked by Chair Pro -tem Eckman for cost estimates in the City of Roseville providing that <br />206 information, Mr. Schwartz advised that it would depend on the staff time required; noting that if <br />207 it was simply basic maps there was no concern on his part; however, if the work required 2 -3 <br />208 days of staff time of more, there would be additional expenses, but probably at less of an hourly <br />209 rate than that estimated by EOR at $50.00 per hour. <br />210 EOR <br />211 Further discussion included more detailed review of the EOR memorandum, including whether <br />212 or not the maps completed as part of the 2001 Second Generation Plan could be utilized as a base <br />213 and updated; Mr. Schwartz's consideration for the Cities to create the maps and EOR could <br />214 further refine them; and Mr. Petersen's concern that some of the figures should be fairly simple <br />215 to acquire (e.g. Figure 13) from cities and incorporate into EOR's base maps; with Mr. Schwartz <br />216 concurring with Mr. Petersen. <br />217 Mr. Petersen expressed concern that the larger question was not whether or not the information <br />218 existed, but why EOR didn't consider the need for these figures, clearly defined in MN Rule <br />219 8410.0170 when they put their proposal together. <br />220 Mr. Schwartz referenced Task Two (2) on Page 6 of the EOR proposal where a description and <br />221 assumptions were listed. Mr. Schwartz opined that while most of the figures in this plan were <br />222 not the same as required on their list, it was EOR's responsibility to understand the Rule and <br />223 determine what additional figures would be required for the Third Generation Plan from the <br />224 Second Generation Plan, and identify those distinctions in their proposal and costs. <br />225 Chair Pro -tem Eckman opined that the GLWMO Board should pay for generation and updating <br />226 any of the map figures in the Second Generation Plan that only exist in hard copy format; but <br />5 <br />
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