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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 2:05:42 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 2:04:45 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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184 Chair Pro -tem Eckman announced that the third public stakeholder meeting would be held on <br />185 March 22, 2011, with that meeting focusing on implementation of the plan; and reviewed some <br />186 personal invitations distributed. Chair Pro -tem Eckman noted that the budget for FOR had <br />187 expended half of the allotted funds with the February 15, 2011 invoice, but reasoned that the <br />188 initial work completed during those first few months had been the most labor intensive; and that <br />189 efficiencies were built into the process and information provided to -date should be able to go <br />190 directly into the plan or used for the next stakeholder meeting. Discussion included identification <br />191 of "lakes" and "wetlands" for the Third Generation Plan, beyond the 2001 plan and meeting state <br />192 standards, and using the same categories and formatting as used in the BARR plan, using state <br />193 standards or GLWMO guidelines, whichever is more stringent; and which water bodies should <br />194 meet those standards, particularly those not falling into open water wetland categories; and the <br />195 need for input from representative cities and individual board members prior to additional action, <br />196 with a draft intended for the next stakeholder meeting. Ms. Correll advised that the three items <br />197 to be sent would include water body classifications, water quality standards, and issues /goals. <br />198 Action: Individual Board members were asked to provide their comments to Mr. Petersen at <br />199 their earliest convenience, for his distribution to Board members. In preparation for Melissa <br />200 Lewis' (BWSR) attendance at a recent Task Force meeting to address issues regarding structure <br />201 and revenue change options, Chair Pro -tem Eckman advised that she had provided a financial <br />202 history from 2007 thru December of 2010. Chair Eckman advised that the next Task Force <br />203 meeting was scheduled for March 8, 2011 at her house. <br />204 <br />205 <br />206 Motion 11 -02 -06 <br />207 Member Miller moved, and Member Westerberg seconded, the GLWMO adopt the State of <br />208 Minnesota water resource Classification system and the associated water quality standards for <br />209 incorporation into the Third Generation Plan. <br />210 <br />211 Ayes: 3 <br />212 Nays: 0 <br />213 Motion carried. <br />214 <br />215 Meeting with Shoreview, Roseville, and Ramsey County <br />216 <br />217 Chair Pro -tem Eckman advised that she and Ms. Correll would coordinate with Mr. Schwartz, <br />218 and Mr. Maloney, if possible, to discuss additional items as needed, including Shoreview park <br />219 additions; ten (10) year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and opportunities related to Roseville <br />220 water quality. Further discussion included a survey of the remaining limited number of city <br />221 owned discharge points into Lake Owasso, with Mr. Schwartz asked to provide that list at the <br />222 upcoming meeting with Ms. Correll; additional infrastructure needs and responsible <br />223 parties /agencies for applicable outlets; and status of comments received from the last two <br />224 stakeholder meetings and their editing /incorporation into the Plan. <br />225 <br />226 <br />227 <br />228 <br />229 <br />5 <br />
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