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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 28, 2011 <br /> Page 6 <br /> not; and further opined that there was no reason to treat this differently than any <br /> other CONDITIIONAL USE. <br /> Mayor Roe spoke in support of the motion; opining that this ADU designation <br /> was part of the update in the City's Zoning Code, and had been a needed designa- <br /> tion. However, Mayor Roe noted the need to keep tabs on these types of situa- <br /> tions, and amend the Zoning Code as applicable and if adjustments were indi- <br /> cated. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust and Roe <br /> Nays: Willmus <br /> Abstentions: McGehee <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 10. Presentations <br /> a. Quarterly HRA Report <br /> Housing Coordinator Jeanne Kelsey provided the quarterly update of the Rose- <br /> ville Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA); with HRA Chair Dean <br /> Maschka joining her during the presentation. <br /> Ms. Kelsey initiated her comments by briefly reviewing the HRA's 2008-2012 <br /> Strategic Plan, and its premise of offering "a hand up, not a hand out;" with the <br /> Work Plan incorporating housing-related portions of the 2030 Comprehensive <br /> Plan update, and the Imagine Roseville 2025 community visioning process goals <br /> and strategies. <br /> 2011 Work Plan Highlights: <br /> • Explore partnering with existing land trusts to bring their services to Roseville <br /> • Create an Employee Assistance Program for people working in Roseville to <br /> purchase a home in Roseville <br /> • Review the existing Home Improvement Area(HIA)policy <br /> • Continue to support the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) and Liv- <br /> ing Smarter campaign <br /> Ms. Kelsey reviewed the recently-held 2011 Living Smarter Home and Garden <br /> Fair; and thanked the City's partners in the event: ISD No. 623, and the City's <br /> Engineering and Parks and Recreation Departments, as well as the many volun- <br /> teers who made this year's"Zero Waste" event, the third in a row, a success. <br /> Ms. Kelsey highlighted the HRA's marketing and advertising initiative entitled, <br /> "Living Smarter Marketing Campaign— Roseville - A Way of Life;" and various <br /> advertising venues and the positive results of those various venues and targeting <br /> of the younger generation. Ms. Kelsey noted that the campaign has gotten consi- <br />