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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 28, 2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> derable interest from other communities who were seeking to utilize it and modify <br /> it specifically for their community; however, she noted that the Family Housing <br /> Fund and City of Roseville would share the credits. Ms. Kelsey, as part of the <br /> campaign, noted the banners around City Hall and the OVAL. <br /> HRA Chair Maschka noted that the Living Smarter campaign had recently incor- <br /> porated marketing Roseville's many, diverse, and cost-effective daycare oppor- <br /> tunities, a benefit for and great need of young professionals brought to the atten- <br /> tion of the HRA by one of its Board Members. <br /> Ms. Kelsey reviewed foreclosure trends in Roseville from 2008 to 2010, with a <br /> slight spike in 2010, but indications that the spike is down-trending. Ms. Kelsey <br /> advised that all indications are that recent foreclosures on average-priced houses <br /> were related to the economy and loss of jobs. Ms. Kelsey advised that the HRA <br /> and staff continued to monitor the situation to look at opportunities to address it if <br /> it became an issue. <br /> Mr. Maschka noted that the City didn't have enough foreclosures to apply for any <br /> federal funding to assist those homeowners. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if the HRA offered any loan programs for <br /> those close to foreclosure, and offering short-term assistance until they stabilized <br /> again to ensure they didn't lose their home. <br /> Ms. Kelsey advised that, at this point, there were no programs of that kind due in <br /> part to those homeowners losing their credit rating and unable to obtain loan <br /> funds. Ms. Kelsey advised that this was the HRA's rationale in partnering with <br /> the Land Trust to attempt to catch those homeowners before they reach that level, <br /> with the Land Trust using a market-driven program, and currently looking to <br /> partner with the State of MN to get credit back on track for those homeowners. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted her strong support for Living Green initiatives; <br /> however, she observed that this was missing in the City's updated Zoning Code, <br /> and not stressed in building requirements. Councilmember McGehee noted the <br /> information she'd provided regarding the proposed Fire Station and other com- <br /> munities doing green building. Councilmember McGehee further noted that she'd <br /> attended the Open House for Applewood Point last week, and was disappointed to <br /> find that they were not incorporating green building in their construction. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee suggested that the HRA have discussions with the City's <br /> Code Department to incorporate those things currently being used by the HRA to <br /> market Roseville. <br /> Ms. Kelsey advised that, to-date, HRA staff had not consulted with Code staff; <br /> however, she noted the Energy Audits being offered to one hundred (100) Rose- <br />