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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:13:47 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:05:43 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. ST-80-22 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />MR. DALE WILLIAMS, 1470 Lydia: I live on the corner of <br />Lydia and Simpson, where the great divide is there in terms of <br />which way the water runs. But I don't have a problem in my yard <br />or the street, but I have to go both ways going to work and <br />whatever, and I am totally in favor of the project. <br /> <br />MR. ALF WANDERSEE, 2954 Hamline Avenue: No water runs into <br />my driveway and when they have these flash floods, the water on <br />Millwood starts backing up and goes over to Hamline Avenue into <br />my driveway, into (inaudible). That's that small project, which <br />is "F". It's a matter of a few feet, a couple, 300 feet, and <br />then it's hooked up to the big project they put in last summer. <br />As I see it now, if they're going to go ahead and put in streets <br />and they can reduce the price, I'm sure in favor of pushing this <br />project and getting it over with because other years you're going <br />to be putting in other streets and if they put the streets in now, <br />and later: (inaudible) decide to put in a project, all the money <br />you're putting in for streets would be going down the drain. So <br />I'm in favor of it because it's (inaudible). <br /> <br />MR. HERBERT JONAS, 3090 North Hamline: I was here at the <br />last meeting, I agree with the speaker before the last one about <br />these questions, why the whole system can't be hooked up directly <br />to Little Lake Josephine's. But, aside from that, I have no <br />objection to that line going to Lake Josephine from Hamline Avenue, <br />provided we have assurances that there will be a settling basin <br />and other ways of cleaning out the water before it goes into the <br />lake. Does Mr. Honchell have anything more than the generalities <br />he mentioned? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: No, I don't, because of two specific con- <br />straints we're under. One is that that green line that you men- <br />tioned that's already existing going to Lake Josephine, that's <br />not under the control of the City of Roseville. It's under the <br />control of the County of Ramsey. I don't have authority to simply <br />go in and make changes without the concurrence of Ramsey County. <br />Second, there seems to be some question in the minds of Ramsey <br />County, at least, of exactly what easements they have and the <br />ability they have to do things on the property. The property is <br />owned by two owners there (inaudible). The City of Roseville <br />desires to do something, we would like to do something. I guess <br />I can only say that we will do it if we can get the legal ability <br />to do so, with the County's approval. I can't tell you anything <br />beyond that because I don't have the authority to make that <br />decision. The County has jurisdiction of that pipe. We have <br />talked to them though, and they are interested in having something <br />done and until we can work out the details and they agree to it, <br />I don't know what we can build. We're certainly going to make <br />every effort though. <br /> <br />MR. HERBERT JONAS: Looking at the map there, it looks to me <br />like a settling basin or interceptor can be done on City property <br />before it goes to Hamline on the City side. <br /> <br />6 <br />
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