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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:13:49 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:05:49 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. SS-W-P-ST-80-20 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />line, he would get his water from us and then would he have to <br />get connected with sanitary sewer down at County Road C? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The only sanitary sewer facilities we have <br />available at the current time are on County Road C. I think that <br />at this time'M & M's building is connected to the St. Anthony <br />sanitary sewer, which was just done, and to Anthony Drive, or <br />Anthony Lane as the City limits. If we have him come to a City <br />sewer, a Roseville sewer, then that would have to be to County <br />Road C. The only other alternative would realistically be to <br />work out an agreement with St. Anthony if both we and St. Anthony <br />were agreeable to using St. Anthony's sanitary sewer, even <br />though he's using City water. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: The other thing is, we have had all this <br />property draining into one area. Since M & M is developing this <br />one portion and it's no longer considered, shall I say fair, for <br />all properties to dump their water on their land so we are pro- <br />viding for three ponds rather than one. Right? So there would <br />still be ponds on the Rihm property, or ponding area I should <br />say, and a ponding area on the property to the west of Marabellas <br />and south of M & M. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Yes. The lines even in County Road C simply <br />don't have the capacity to have the entire area of both St. <br />Anthony and of Roseville do sheet drainage. We can talk about <br />the economics and the environmental issues, they're certainly <br />valid as well, but it's a hard, practical fact that there is not <br />enough capacity in that line on C. We have to provide ways to <br />hold the water back in Roseville before it gets to St. Anthony. <br />The fairest way, at least as we view it, would be for each <br />parcel to develop its own ponding. Some may wish to put it <br />(inaudible), some may wish to put it on their parking lot, some <br />may wish to dig a hole, some may have some natural low area <br />they want to use as ponds. We would work that out with each <br />developer as he came forward with his plan to use the land. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Before we proceed with our questions, is <br />there anyone else that wishes to be heard? <br /> <br />MR. LAWRENCE STOUFFER, Stouffer Real Estate, Representing <br />Rihm Motors: Sold them this property in 1969. It seems to me <br />that this whole proposal is to benefit M & M. He bought this <br />property in 1969, it has sewer, water, and sanitary sewer, all <br />the things he needs for his operation. It looks to me like M & M <br />is asking someone else (inaudible) bought a piece of property <br />that didn't have these facilities, to help pay for it. I don't <br />think it's right, I don't think that Rihm should pay $20,000 a <br />year for assessments for 15 years. Another thing, I met at a <br />preliminary meeting with these people last August and I still <br />haven't heard what Williams Brothers have to say. I assume <br />they're part petitioners on this thing. They (inaudible) they <br />haven't expressed themselves. They have more land than M & M <br /> <br />12 <br />
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