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<br />the maturity schedule would be, but we would recommend at this <br />point, as we did with the others, that it not go beyond 15 <br />years. In addition to that, while we have normally been charging <br />8% on our assessment carrying charge, the recent Legislature <br />permits us to charge whatever the statute permits, which is 8% <br />or 1% more than whatever we get on our bond issue. The problem <br />is that bonds are now being sold up at 9% or more in that 10 to <br />15 year period. So we would have to make that determination at <br />the time we have our assessment hearing, which normally comes, <br />as you know, after the project is completed. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR FRANKE: Are there any communications? <br /> <br />t1R. ANDRE: The only communication we have is the addition <br />of a name to the petition and that's Mr. Mell Kadrie, 3007 North <br />Albert. That makes the fourth signature that Charlie spoke of. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR FRANKE: I will open the hearing to the public. <br />For those who wish to speak, will you please use the microphone, <br />state your name and address. Nobody here who wishes to speak? <br />Then I will close the hearing and turn it over to the Council. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY then introduced the following resolution <br />and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />Resolution No. 7104 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION <br />OF IMPROVEMENT NO. P-81-2 <br />UNDER AND PURSUANT TO <br />MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 429 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, that in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota <br />Statutes 1961, Chapter 429, as amended, the Council held a <br />public hearing on the proposed construction of Improvement No. <br />P-81-2 consisting of the installation of bituminous paving, <br />concrete curb and gutter and necessary appurtenances on Albert <br />Street from Lydia Avenue to Brenner Avenue, as described in <br />the Notice of Hearing at a cost presently estimated at <br />$41,154.30, and substantially in accordance with the prelimi- <br />nary report as to the feasibility thereof which is now on file <br />in the office of the City Manager; and having considered the <br />views of all interested persons and being fully advised in the <br />premises, the Council does hereby determine and order that said <br />improvement shall be constructed and financed, and special <br />assessments shall be levied therefor, pursuant to said Chapter <br />429, and that the area proposed to be assessed therefor shall <br />include the property as described in the Notice of Hearing. <br />The City Public Works Director is directed to prepare and sub- <br />mit to the Council the final plans and specifications. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br /> <br /> <br />was duly seconded by Councilman Kehr, and upon roll call vote <br /> <br />3 <br />