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<br />2" The City llanagcr shall prepare dnd cause to be in'~ <br />serted in tIie rtos~viJ.le ~'t1rp t!:e official paper. and in the <br />Const.ruction Bulletin;; an advertisement for lJids upon the <br />making of such approved plans and specifications D ~'he adver',' <br />tisement. for Improvement 00-23 shall be published as required <br />by l&~J f shall specify the tlor}~ to be done, shall call for bids <br />on the basis of a cash payment for such llOrk, shall stab~ that <br />the bid~ uill be receivec!. by the City l.ianager and Public ~.jorks <br />Director until lQ~OO o'clock a.l:l. on Ai.">ril a, 19U1, at uhich <br />time they \Jill be publicly opened in the City Hall Ly the City <br />~lanager and City Public ~'lorks Director, \lill then be tabulated!, <br />and. \"Jill subsequently be considered by the Council, and that no <br />bids \Jill be considered unless sealed and filed 'lilith the Ilanager <br />and accompaniec~ by .:1 cash deposit, certified check or bid bonc.~ <br />fJayalJle to tile lic:mager for ten ::)ercent of the amount of SUCil <br />bid. <br /> <br />The motion for the auoption of tile foregoin<} resolution <br /> <br />':Tas Cluly second0d by Council:nan i,ehr and upon vote being taken <br /> <br />tllereou, the follmJiil9" voted in favor ~ All i aad the follOl'1ing <br /> <br /> against ~ llone; \.Thereuflon. saiD. resolutio:"1 ',las C.ecli; <br /> <br />duly i)aS3Gd and ac}oi:?ted. <br />