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<br />S'IATE OF 1 iIlJi.-mOO'I'A) <br />) <br />COUNrl'Y Oli' R1>....lS BY ) SS <br />) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE ) <br /> <br />I, the undersignedr being tile duly qualified and acting <br /> <br />.tanager of th~ City of Ros03villo i' Ra:usey County, Hinnesota f <br /> <br />do hereby csr-t.ify that I have carefully compared the attached <br /> <br />and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of said <br /> <br />Ci ty Council held. on the 9th day of :larch, 1981r at 7~' 30 0 I clock <br /> <br />p.m.1 uith the original thereof O~l file in my office and the <br /> <br />same iz a full, true and conplete transcriF't tllerefrom insofar <br /> <br />as t."1e same rela b2S to Improvemen-c 80 - 2 (.) D <br /> <br />i'7ITHESS l.iY HAi>JD and the seal of Gaid City this .:L V day <br /> <br />of April, l]ul. <br /> <br />,/) , "C- <br />r j /1 ,/ <br />" i, ' '--T~ ".'/ , / f, ~ <br />Y,,(~t.Jt~'<:'--," / . ( ~1'-~L~:.A...j.:-- <br />/-cyy l-ianager <br /> <br />. .-,/ <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br />