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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18,2011 <br /> Page 13 <br /> budget process, along with statutory and City Code requirements. Mayor Roe <br /> questioned if it made sense to incorporate those items into policies; and how <br /> funds were structured or added/deleted during upcoming discussions, may need to <br /> be reflected in the policies. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that staff typically structured funds on City Council direction or <br /> policy, or legal requirements dictating how funds were segregated; and advised <br /> that future policy discussions could be reflected in those documents. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned how funds were established through Council directive; <br /> with Mr. Miller advising that they were typically established through resolution, <br /> whether to designate or abolish funds and included as part of the City's formal <br /> published financial documents. Mr. Miller noted that other internal bookkeeping <br /> items were not part of that formal publication. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it made sense to have a City Council discussion on specif- <br /> ic funds, their how and why, as the budget process proceeded; and why funds <br /> were segregated or not segregated, or included as part of the General Fund. <br /> Councilmember Johnson supported such a discussion. <br /> Johnson moved, Pust seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10893 (Attachment <br /> A) entitled, "Resolution Adopting Financial and Budget Policies for the City of <br /> Roseville;"amended as follows: <br /> • Page 4,Line 96, typographical correction: "its" <br /> • Page 6, Line 138: change from a ten (10)year to a twenty (20)year Capital <br /> Improvement Plan (CIP) <br /> • Page 6, Line 146: change from a ten (10)year to a twenty (20)year Capital <br /> Improvement Plan (CIP) <br /> • Page 6,Line 167: change CIP years <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested amending the General Fund reserve policy <br /> lower than 50%; and questioned if Councilmember Johnson had considered such <br /> amendment part of his motion. <br /> Councilmember Johnson responded negatively, but remained open to an amend- <br /> ment to the original motion. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that she had not considered this to be an action <br /> item tonight, and since this was all new territory to her, she expressed her prefe- <br /> rence to delay action until additional information requests from staff had been <br /> supplied, including a discussion on each separate funds, and potential reduction of <br /> the General Fund reserve policy. <br />